Monday, August 26, 2024

Too much Technology

Boy do I need that dream to-day------  It has been a day that no-one ever wants to have-----to-day----You see, last evening my cell phone stopped working . It is an 8---- kinda old I guess-- I thought I could get it to work this AM--tried everything---nothing  would work--and -in the process of starting buttons all over the phone--it began to send out an Emergency signal--that I was in distress--which was still going out far and wide this AM--Anyway, I waited till I dropped Himself at his Lodge--then went over to the Source, which sells and services phones---They got the phone to turn off--which I couldn't do, so it reset itself--and now it is working fine--I THINK I NEED A NEWER UP TO DATE phone--

And, so, now I  need that Handsome man to  clean my whole house---and I do not see him anywhere---Lord love a Duck!--Life can be so complicated can't it--and it isn't getting any easier as I age---

I must get out of here and get the man of this house---"No rest for the wicked" is there--???? Dad must be looking down smiling at me--Oh , I just heard him say, "Now she understands what Mom and I went thru."


  1. Oh, sis, I know what you mean! I'm having tech troubles, too. My phone does weird stuff...tells me I have a message and there is no new message, etc. I have to get a newer one, too. And I got a warning from google that my storage is almost gone. I'm trying to figure out how to download emails to my hard drive. They want me to pay for google workspace. For that you gotta have a domain name. I don't have that except for FB. Sigh.
    This tech stuff really helps us, if we can understand it at our age.
    So hot and humid outside...second day. A/C is on already and the box fan in the bedroom. The A/C is just a window unit that doesn't reach the bedroom and bathroom.
    You said you had to get Himself. Is he at his program?
    Not much going on here in the household or building. Except that my hall light went out. It's in front of the closet where I house Lucky's potty box. I'm gonna hafta get a flashlight to clean it. Our maintenance man retired, and I don't want our office manager or another resident to be climbing on a ladder to do it.
    Better get to it. Then it's lunch and get down with Lucky.
    Now that your phone is ok, hope the rest of the day for all of you proceeds smoothly.
    Oh, I saved that first meme! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. I ordered an I- Phone 11--$600 for that!--Terrible eh?--The I-Phone 8-- that I now have will not hold the charge-This was a VERY hot day today--=AC still on --Matt in Montreal tonite--the Sweden tomorrow nite--It was quite a day but it turned out well--Hugs Maggie--Lynda

  2. Now that’s a nice dream … a man cleaning the house while you sleep!

    Sorry to hear your phone went kaput, but glad you were able to get it turned off and hopefully have a new one.

    Hot and humid here, so just trying to stay cool and hydrated. So far so good!

    Hope Himself had a good day @ the Lodge!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Barb--VERY hot day here to-day--I ordered an I-phone 11 -pick it up Thursday--=Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I'm so sorry you had technological issues last night. That's really the worst. I think a lot about my mom in her last few years. My dad was semi-technological savvy but he didn't understand a lot of how it worked. Like when I told him he had to go to the "Start" menu to shut down. No, Kathy, he'd say. I don't want to start, I want to stop! But he could program the VCR. My poor mom had to ask anyone who came to visit to set up her shows for her! I didn't give her credit - now I do. I sometimes can't make my TV work if my husband isn't home! I hope you have a nice day!

    1. Oh Kathy--so much technology---i did not want a new phone--but--an 8 is not holding the charge--Lynda

  4. I'm not sure exactly what age it was at for me, or what it might be for the next generation, but there comes a point where you don't care to learn new technology just to learn new technology because you have WORK to do, and you KNEW how to do it on the old tech, and the learning curve for the new is just another obstacle to GETTING SOMETHING DONE!

    I think I was in my 40's when it hit me. But I can't guarantee that to be true. Still learning, and more enthusiastic about it now that I retired from the job with the deadlines and all that.

    Hope that if you *do* end up getting a newer generation of phone the learning curve is gentle with you!

    1. Oh Barb--I ordered an I-Phone 11--and I know I will hate it--Ill ask my Grandkids I guess--- The problem in life now is--- way too much technology--Hugs Barb--Lynda

  5. Had to laugh at the phone - sounds like something that would happen to me. I probably should get a newer phone but just don't want to go to the trouble of figuring it out. Yesterday my TV wouldn't work so I figured that it was the remote which needs to be charged (no batteries). No luck. So I tried googling it and they suggested to unplug it, hold the one button for 15 seconds and then wait 30 seconds to plug it back it. Took me a loooong time to find the on button which was hidden, and it actually worked. Only problem was I had to get down on the floor to reach behind to unplug it. The challenge was to get back up. As you said above, old age ain't no place for sissies.

    Men are here today tearing out the old tub and putting in a walk in shower. Oh what a mess it is - more dust and dirt than I will ever get cleaned up. I was having trouble stepping over the side of the old tub so it was time. What was that about old age and sissies??

    Have a great evening - Dot

    1. Dot--good to hear from yu-- A walk in shower--a dream eh?--- Yes I get my I- Phone 11 next week--and it will drive me crazy--The 8 is working now ---but will not hold the charge----All this technology stuff is mind boggling isn't it--but--ask a kid-=-any kid, and they love to help us-- Hugs Dot-- Hang in here--Lynda

  6. Oh gosh, how frustrating with phone. Glad it's working now. I got a new phone in January as my old phone was 6 or 7yrs.
    Learning the new phone was miserable for a while but I've got it now.
    It's horribly hot 99F. 102 tomorrow but hot is hot.
    Have a great evening. Stay positive, healthy, strong and cool.

    1. Marge -so hot here to-day--Yes I ordered an I phone 11--If I go up too high I won't be able to handle it-AC still on at 9pm -Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda: I know what you mean about phones and technology in general. I am totally hopeless. I .have an iphone 13 now and still have issues. But 8 is kind of old now. Probably about time for a newer one. Hear the pilots may strike around mid Sept. Hope you're still getting the warmer weather which sounds like maybe we will have through the long weekend. Have a good night. Brenda

    1. Yes Air Canada Pilots want more money-- They say all the "big wigs" get the money--and the Pilots do all the work--Hot hot hot here-Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda! Technical difficulties are quite frustrating! Happy all is working now. Sadie was in Ohio today. No man cleaned. LOL Enjoy your evening! Hugs!

    1. No man cleaned??--- Yu mean "HE" didn't clean so yu could go back to bed??--Here neither-- Sad eh??--Lynda


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