Friday, August 9, 2024

Getting the SASS on!

 10-15am---  and here I am--FINALLY--You see, I took Himself to his Day Program---One of the nurses who works with them in the program, was us at the door----said, "Good Morning DR Young. I have a surprise for you--!"----  Then she told us how she had been fishing----and she caught some pickerel--and then she asked if I was going straight home--because----  SHE HAD CLEANED THE PICKEREL, FILETED THEM___and-- gave me about 12 filets , frozen--cleaned-I just need to cook the fish--Now isn't that the best ever??? We will have that for supper--fresh fish--all cleaned--and pickerel is so so tasty!

                            Sushi just climbed up in my lap--the cat who came in from the cold!

So, anyway--I stopped at the grocery , and there was fresh corn on the cob--a huge bin of them---We also will have that for supper-- Aren't people so kind?---
Oh----  I almost forgot--That is why I am late posting--

I must ask you all--Have you got your SASS on?? It seems like a good day to get that "Sass" on----Don't allow anyone to "walk all over you"--to "stick to your guns", as Dad used to tell me, because he 
recognized that I was a sorta "meek and mild" child---would never harm a flea----certainly different now--- LOL---I'm afraid nowadays I do "speak my mind"-- with a touch of, --WHAT THE HELL----

We have sunshine to-day--with Lollipops----Lopez  is sitting on his chair beside me , hoping I will get my little chat with you all over sooner than later-
                                                            --Are you having a good day??
Sadie, that cleaning Lady will be here soon---(As yu know, it is really me!)--- Hopefully you are feeling strong ----that you can do pretty much everything---Positive thoughts help!-----We are so lucky to be alive aren't we Duckie?


  1. I am usually meek and mild, too. I wouldn't hurt a flea...but flies (house flies, fruit flies)...those I eliminate! I finally got that house fly that has been bothering me.
    Sushi is on you lap with Lopez nearby? That's progress.
    Happy for your fish. I've never had pickerel that I know of. I love most all fish, though.
    Himself will really be in a good mood.
    Don't work Sadie too hard, dear.
    Oh, I have the appointment to get my brakes fixed Monday at 3 PM. Just have to get through the weekend. I can place a grocery order for delivery this afternoon after my social security check posts.
    Sadie may vacuum today. Didn't happen yesterday. Thanks for the idea of loaning me your lightweight vac. We gotta lug recyclables down. Did the garbage yesterday.
    I've done lots of exercise the last couple days. The joints cause me less discomfort with exercise. I do all the therapy exercises I was taught and more with dumb bells and resistance bands. I still follow most of an on line video with Coach Nicole of SP. Remember her?
    Time for lunch and a wee snooze with Lucky. He's sleeping already. I will check back later.
    People are kind and generous. We are, too, when we can be. Enjoy your wonderful mean and the rest of your day, too. I will check back here later. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Happy that you are getting the brakes fixed--There seems to be always something eh?-- (another expense)- Fred enjoyed his day away--(at the Lodge)-The weather was so much cooler-- no humidity---Seems like I didn't do too much today-but the day just flies by--- Fred home to-morrow-- Our AC unit is acting up-- afraid of that expense--- sorta like your brakes--but---LOL--- Do yu notice that the days are shorter?--Im going to have my bath--then take Lopez out for his last "PEE"---then I can go to bed and read my book--- Lynda

  2. OH y goodness! A dozen pickerel filets! That is awesome.

    Having a great day. Had my mammogram this morning and already got the results – all is good. Hallelujah! Made my day, for sure! The7 clincher . . . the report said, "Excellent for a woman of 70". LOL . . . don't know whether to be complimented or insulted! I'll take it as a compliment!

    Beautiful weather day, temperature wise. Cloudy and no sun, but still . . . perfect.

    Here’s to a great weekend.


    1. Good for yu to get that mammogram-- and it sounds like yu passed-- Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda,
    Love the picture of you and Sushi. Can't decide who is prettier.
    Loved ALL the inserts. Thanks for posting.
    I've never been meek or mild. I'm not mean but I am direct. I am often too kind and end up feeling used.
    It's absolutely beautiful in St.Louis. Sunny, slight breeze with temps in the 70sF. Unbelievable as just a few days ago it was 100. Odd for summer.
    I've never had pickeral. What a kind gesture. All ready to cook with fresh corn Wahoo.
    I got up super early so made a meatloaf as everything was defrosted. Me and Sadie got the house chores knocked out. Went to weights/toning class so next stop is the pantry to stock incoming items.
    Hope your day is wonderful as you. Day program almost guarantees a good mood from himself.
    Stay positive, happy, content and strong. Yes, get your SASS on.

    1. It has been a good day Marge--I think the cooler weather really helped--Lynda

  4. We are indeed lucky to be alive on the planet. It helps when the weather takes a break from the extremes and is moderate like today!

    Ember and The Prisoner send Lopez and Sushi their best regards, and The Prisoner piped in that he wanted some of your fresh fish! Ember is on day 7 post-op and getting pretty Sassy herself!

    Yes, let's keep on keeping on!

    1. Barb--- the 2 pets keep yu busy-- Day 7 post OP--Quite good--Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. Thank you for your kind words yesterday. Yes, I'm sure things will all work out the way they are suppose to. Maybe Bryan will actually step up and be a good father - probably not but there are still miracles out there. More likely, he'll find that he's not a fan of being tied down to two very challenging little boys. Jake will be tasked to looking out for his little brother who runs off whenever he wants. Our hope is that neither boy is harmed in any way! How nice of that nurse to give you cleaned fresh fish! Sounds like a wonderful dinner. While I've heard of pickerel, I've never eaten it. I love all kinds of sea food but my husband only likes to eat what he catches - and he hasn't caught any for years! The Zen to Zany meme is definitely me today! But I didn't hit or bite anyone - at least yet! Have a good day.

    1. Oh Kathy---hard to watch eh?---You love those boys and your daughter-=-tough to see their Dad treat his wife like that--Lynda

  6. Wow: That was really nice of the nurse. I think that's a lot of work! Enjoy your dinner! Glad you have nice weather today. Enjoy your night after your dinner. Hugs Brenda

  7. So nice and thoughtful of the nurse with the gift of the fish✨ You & Sushi look good together 🥰 Carol in FL


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