Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Act like a Complete Weirdo sometimes!

It has been one of those mornings -----  you know--everything going wrong--  was doing banking --and -- well, you can guess-- I eventually had to call our bank to get me out of the mess I had myself in--Why does one get all muddled--always on busy days---  and you know, it takes forever to undo the mess, on a phone, with the bank--

So, all is well now---  but--I felt like I should bang my head against the wall to clear the brain---The problem was ---  one had to shut down the whole computer to get the screen to show what she had done--not good enough to leave the site --then go back in ---I finally clued   in and shut down the whole computer---  then--voila---I could see what the bank saw--So much to learn isn't, in this world of technology--

So----now, I  can decorate my soul--- be nice to people I meet--- --be kind--remember to be strong--  AND  STOP CRYING----  which doesn't do one any good-- blubbering is never an option--

We have sun--Lopez has done his business--  Himself is at his Day Program---The grass man comes to-morrow---  I get a hair do this afternoon--Like--  Life really is good--doncha think?---


Maybe we all have to act a bit weird ---once in awhile--- dance up a storm--=sing and shout---



  1. It's Kathy. I love the first meme - yes, I want to start decorating my soul. Sorry you had trouble this morning. I have been restarting my computer every so often - especially when things seem to not run well. It's like shaking the bugs out! Yes, my day did get better. I had a lovely talk with my therapist and while she can't help, at least she can listen and offer words of wisdom. Dinner was pretty easy and I had time to sit and relax a bit, which was helpful. At 9 pm I got all my courage up and called my daughter to see how the 2nd visit with their dad went for the boys. And it was a success - no one hurt, times were respected, he even cooked dinner for them and showered them! He has a lot to learn about little children and what they like to eat - but he asked Lauriellen and she offered some tips! So right now I'm going to hope that this works out and will provide her with some much needed time away from the boys. Today I see my doctor for my pre-op and my dear husband offered to drive me. I am almost done cleaning - just the kitchen left and I'll do that tomorrow. Did my last grocery shopping for awhile last night. So for right this moment all's right with my world. Enjoy your hair day - I know my mom always looked forward to that!

    1. Hi Kathy -late here--answering-- I know all will go well to-day--I shall be thinking of you and wishing you well--and--all was pretty good with your daughter--There is a God up in Heaven --Lynda

  2. We made it through another day! How about that? Well done! Now let's try to repeat it today!

    1. another day is to-day---YEAH Barb!-Lynda

  3. Dear sis, I believe we are all weird in out own way. In so many ways we are alike, maybe having a tendency to be a bit weird is one of them! Saved that last meme.
    I have had the same kinda trouble with online banking. In some ways it's easier...except when it's not!
    Himself will be tired but happy after his program. You will have a chance to relax and vent to your hairdresser friend, too. Life really IS good!
    I just came back from buying a few more groceries. There is a party in our Community Room tomorrow for our maintenance man who is retiring (and having surgery). It will be the usual sloppy joes, hot dogs, deli salads, etc. So much fat and cholesterol! I am bringing a big salad to share with a choice of 3 kinds of dressing. It will have mixed organic baby greens, organic cherry tomatoes, crispy onions, shredded carrots and white meat chicken. I may find something else to add. I won't add avocado like I would do for myself. Some people may not eat it.
    Neither of us may use Sadie today. Does she have a day off?
    Here's to both of us proceeding through the day with smiles on our faces.
    Oh! I am half way through Reverence for All Life. The German Shepherd, Strongheart, is an AMAZING dog. I am reminded of Tess and Beau. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Online banking is great-- but--when something is not right-it takes forever to fix it eh? Yes Sadie never got here yesterday either---think she was out partying the day before--LOL Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, computers frustrate the heck out of me. Bank, when I can't get it to balance, drives me over the bend. Glad you got your situation resolved.
    Hope your day went great.

    1. Howdy Marge-- Just got to this, this AM--- Situation was resolved--Lynda

  5. My dear, sometimes tears are cathartic when you are frustrated and overwhelmed. Glad that you got the baniking straightened out w/help.

    Have a good hair day! Got my hair trimmed yesterday. Feels so good!

    Hugs and here’s to a terrific Thursday.



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