Sunday, August 25, 2024

Just take those old records off the Shelf-

Dad says, "Keep that chin up!"---We have mega heat---high humidity---The AC is once again on --Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the back road--AND --HE DID HIS BUSINESS--I mean, what more could I ever ask in a morning?----Holy Cow! I must tell you also that Sushi , the cat who came in from the cold, came in, in the night--hopped over Himself and right over to me--climbed up on  my chest, purring away, so I stroked her--patted her, rubbed her ears, as I was so happy to see her. She used to come up on our bed every night--but since Lopez moved in, has not wanted to be near him.---  And whatever kibble I purchased from the vet, she likes it--chomps it down. Hopefully it might help her lose some weight!

I have been gabbing away here , and have not inquired how on earth you all are?-To-day is Sunday--"Change the bed day"---and that is nearly done!-----So, are you enjoying the weekend?---It is the beginning of the last week of August.   Yes, take a walk and look around you---NO SNOW--- and very soon September----Where did the summer go??-Where ever you are to-day, I hope that you take a few moments to dance---  remember the old music?----

Take that old music off the shelf--and listen to them---  To-days music just isn't the same---Shout that tune out---We like that old time ROCK and  Roll--LOLOL---

                    Enjoy this day---Have fun----  Even if some people  look at you a tad funny---(What the Hell eh?)----



  1. Sounds like you’re getting the same system we are getting. Stay cool.

    Yes! Changing the bed today, too! Feels good to have a freshly made bed, doesn’t it!

    I cannot believe August is coming to an end. Doesn’t seem possible! Where does the time go??

    Here’s to a blessed day with some fun mixed in!


  2. It's Kathy. Today is a very good day - I had a shower! I needed some help but not as much as last Thursday. I can finally pick my leg up over the tub. Sounds like no big deal but it's really HUGE! My oldest daughter is coming over shortly with lunch! That will be nice. Daisy is very happy I'm home but she doesn't much like the walker. Stays out of the way. And she doesn't know who she should sleep with! Last night she spent the first part of the night with me, then the second part with Tom. She knows that I wake up first so she came into the bedroom I'm in to see if I was awake to take her out. I told her to get her dad - and she promptly jumped into bed with Tom and said "get up - I want to go out!" And he DID! Life is different right now but improving a bit every day. I'm so grateful for the healing! I do love the old music! What they play these day's can't even pass for music - just noise! I'm dressed today - first time since last Tuesday! YEAH for small changes! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Kathy-Yu really are doing well--and yu are dressed--Your Daisy sounds like a bright girl--Lynda

  3. Great blog, Lynda...w memes for me to save, too. I have been getting posts about that 'old time music.' I used to listen to a radio station that played the top hits from ALL genres...rock, pop, country, folk, soul...can't find those stations anymore. I have even looked on line.
    Sushi needs lovin' like all of us. Glad she is back on the bed with you.
    Lucky is talking to me now. Gotta figure out what he wants. Not lunch time quite yet. Almost, though.
    Didn't go to karaoke last night. Jo and I both had 'stomach issues.' Mine, I believe was having 1 1/2 of those bacon hamburgers I told you about. With the first one I didn't even take the pills I'm supposed to take to aid my digestion.
    Look forward to something all week and then not go? Strange, but that's what occurred.
    Happy your day is proceeding well.
    Yes, fall will soon be on us. Wild life is out...young buck across the street last night, wee green frog on the windowsill by our front entrance and a wasp inside our entry.
    We are playing bingo in our community room in an hour or so. Our resident manager has prizes for people who win. Just snacks, chips, etc. from the Dollar Store, probably. So no nap for me today. Hope you get one though. It's Sunday so take it easy on both of you Lopez is co-operating. {{{UGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie

    1. Too bad no Karaoke for yu--I know yu enjoy it--Nice --Bingo=--=WITH PRIZES---busy day--but---thAt is OK--just very hot--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, love old time rock and roll and music from the 60s when I was a teen. I found a 60s station on the TV and have it on while cleaning. I sing along.
    Aww Sushi wanted some loving. I hope she'll come back often. Glad she likes her new kibble.
    Terribly hot in St.Louis and day 2 of AC back on. By Tuesday we're under an extreme heat and humidity advisory.
    August is slipping away. Where in the world did summer go? I do love the fall tree colors and cool temps.
    Have a wonderful, relaxing day. I need to clean my hardwood floors and a small bath and I'll call it done for today.
    Stay healthy, happy, positive and strong.
    Marge in hot St.Louis

  5. OMG, the reference to old records! The music of our youth is our own personal "youth juice", I think! The trainer puts on the station that does an oldies mix when I have my session. Rock on, indeed!

    1. The "oldes" are good --- keeps one moving Barb--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! I have to agree with the lady on the bottom. Lol Hot in Ohio, too! I have been cleaning and got my bed washed. I usually don’t do all that on Sunday. Since my nephew left for school I was behind in deep cleaning so I decided to get it done then take a rest day or two this coming week Sweet Sushi!. How was your day? Hugs!

    1. My day was good-- Praise be to God!!--LOL--- Hot here tho--Lynda


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