Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Thomas the Toad returns--

 -- Life IS tough--- Some days are tougher than others--Sometimes it is better if one is deaf---does not hear any insults which might come your way--AND. it might be good sometimes, if your eye sight is not the best also---

Now, for instance,  we had the AC on  for weeks and weeks-- I turned it off yesterday--and everything seemed good--so, I sat and watched CNN and and Mrs K. Harris-- and everything seemed "Hunky Dory"--as Dad used to say.   However , the inside  of all our windows-I noticed, had a whole film on them---- MAYBE, FROM THE AC?????----Lordy Be!!!  -

-So that is why I am late blogging---I WAS CLEANING THE KITCHEN WINDOWS_------ Is this film on the windows just in this house---   is it really from the AC??------  Plus, after having 3 pooches (dogs)-the main living area needed care- so Sadie (that absolutely fabulous cleaning Lady, AND I-)-were working---taking care of business this morning-

We have sun ----and a lovely breeze --so it seems like a great day to enjoy the outdoors-and-- as I sit here typing , I hear a loud small Aircraft go over--I see this same 'plane every morning and late afternoon--as  I walk the Chihuahua -I asked Son#2 about this--(he is the Pilot, as you know) and he said they are scanning for fires--in this area----nice to know---

And one more thing -- Did you read your Children,  books about "Frog and Toad"?--I did--guess that is why I have become sorta attached to these toads that hop around the lawn at night--and if you are not careful, you step on them--like I did-- I even named the big huge Toad , who hung out on the sidewalk --""Thomas""
Sometimes I found him on the grass, or he might bury himself in a hole and he looked just like a pile of mud-----  -Anyway, Thomas was back yesterday evening--on the drive, right beside the grass--  a huge brown fellow---He was gone this morning--
(I am certainly chatting away here --all about TOADS-- Maybe  Ive been inside too long-)-- 
 -I must be quiet here and get lunch for Himself--and then maybe a wee rest with a book ---

I hope that your day is going well---  that you are making memories ---enjoying the day---Sometimes a wee bit of chocolate  helps the day to pass---  



  1. Love that last meme, sis! Dark chocolate is good for you (probably just in moderation).
    You and Sadie take care. Don't try to get everything done in one day.
    We have nice weather, too. It's mostly sunny, 70F, just a breeze. Tornadoes touched down nearby last evening when it was storming, though.
    Sadie's twin or clone isn't doing much here today. Might help with laundry, though.
    Oh! Our book was delivered yesterday, and I have already started it. I can understand the title...reverence for all life...except for bugs! I know they have a place in the ecosystem, a purpose to their lives, but... It will be interesting to see what the author says about bugs. Come to think of it, I can't understand what fruit flies are for! They hang around inside...not outside to provide bird food or similar.
    Outa here, dear, to check the occupancy of the laundry room. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Wish yu had a washer in your home there--I know yu are in an apartment, but it IS your home--The book arrived!! Yeah--That was fast! --Lovely weather to-day--- AND a breeze--Allison the daughter in Medina said they were told Tornadoes may touch down at her house--- Perfect day here--- Did yu get yer car fixed?? YU need thzt car --=ope it gets fixed--So--almost dinner time-- Nice to have one dog--not 3--LOL_-Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, my kids had a Frog and Toad book, but I hardly remember it now. Last night when I opened the back door for Daisy togo outside we had a chipmunk on our step. She didn't know what to do! We are having a really cool week this week. It's nice to not have the A/C on. I have a few windows opened but it seems everyone decided to mow the lawn today! So much noise! I hope you have a good rest of your day!

    1. Glad that Chippy didn't run in yer house!--So nice without the AC--I agree--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda.....love today's mood. Confused with a touch of what the hell. Love it, perfect.
    I'm glad to know Thomas is alive and well and apparently eating quite well at your house.
    Hoping himself can go to program tomorrow and adjust his mood. Part of your strength is endurance over the not so great times. This too shall pass.
    Our temps are FINALLY supposed to be cooler Wednesday. Highs will only be mid 80sF. I'm more than ready for a break.
    How nice you can turn off your AC. Wahoo.
    I can't do a little chocolate so it's best I don't have any.
    Enjoy your book and your break.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. I cannot eat ice cream either--because I eat the whole tub of it--Himself had a very good day and its good to NOT have 3 dogs--LOL--(They were good dogs too!)-- Lynda

  4. Ohhhhhh, glad you could turn off the a/c. We did the same today! Felt GOOD!

    Glad DS #2 knew what the plane was all about. Good to know they are so vigilant about watching for fires.

    Lovely that Thomas the Toad is still around! Hearty guy!

    Hope you got a bit of a rest and got to read! Good for the soul.


    1. Busy day here --but on the whole--a very good da--cooler also--Hugs Barb--Lynda

  5. Hi, Lynda, it's Marti. No, I don't think the film is from the air conditioning; my air conditioning gets turned on in early May and stays on thru September into October, and I don't have filmy windows. I mean, I guess you could have fog on them or something under certain conditions. I dunno.

    Have you heard of something called a "Wobble Wag Giggle" ball? It's a hard ball, like a small bowling ball, that a dog can roll around and it makes a funny noise, not a squeak, almost like a small child going "wee woo" in a goofy voice or something. Dog is obsessed. I can only allow him to play with it for about 15 min at a time, as he continuously barks at it, pants, and wears himself out. The bedroom is off limits though, as it goes under the bed and I have to get down on my hands and knees to get it with a grabber tool. I have a titanium knee replacement and arthritis, so this isn't so fun. Look into it, I don't have to play with the dog or anything, he keeps himself entertained. He's a medium size dog so he can't put it in his mouth or anything.

    Today is our hottest day yet here in Ohio, 94 degrees. The warehouse where I work is not air conditioned out in the main area, so we were all miserable when we had to be out there, even with industrial fans pointed right at us. The work areas are air conditioned, of course, and I'm in my little room all by myself and I kept it at 66 in there, so miserable! Supposed to rain tonight and cool things off for awhile, thank goodness.

    Here, in September, we get toads, almost always female, and I always bring one in and set it on my lap on a towel for like 10 minutes, they are so cute you just have to. Of course, they like to pee on you to make you drop them, haha.

    1. Marti--=Yu bring the toad inside?--You are truly amazing--IO just find them so wierd=--=ugly for sure=--and this guy-is huge--- I had the grass guy carry Mr Toad to the manure pile--but--he was right back by the driveway this morning-- We lost that terrible heat--It is a lot cooler--No AC on -I like-the man Kaumala picked to run with her--good day here-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! Sending all the Ohio toads to your house! Yuck! LOL I have the window open listening to the rain. We had a bad storm North of us this evening. Now I can go for the chocolate. Dark chocolate! How was your day? Hope it was great! Hugs!

    1. LOLOL--= No---- Really I do not like Toads--but it intrigues me that they have a weird life-- LOLOL-- and they act and look weird--LOL--Lynda

  7. I'm glad Thomas is about the yard to keep you amused and engaged. Yes, "The Wind in the Willows", was it? I didn't have that one growing up, but my husband added it, and the Stuart Little books to our bedtime reading collection. For me, it was Kipling's Just So Stories.

    So many wonderful books for kids.


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