Monday, August 5, 2024

We live every day!

                                                     "I AM IN CHARGE OF MY HAPPINESS!"

Isn't the above so true??---  I have to read the above, everyday---ALL DAY---"I AM IN CHARGE OF MY HAPPINESS"-- I will not let anything outside of myself control me!-------I need that paisted in front of my face--

I am heading outside with one of these 3 dogs--but I shall return in about an hour--  Incidentally, 2 of these  dogs return to their home to-day---They are good dogs. but they do need to be fed, watched over that some awful animal does not assume they are breakfast, while they are outside doing their business, and they drink a lot of water---which really isn't a chore for me to fulfill---  just --- having 3 dogs is  a wee bit of a chore--

So, can I  not allow stuff happening to-day, control me?---- You know, if I can  do that, I would not be the blubbering fool, that I turn into when Himself at times,  has the habit of losing his temper when he becomes frustrated etc etc etc etc etc etc---  (A lot of "etc's" eh?)-- I shall try hard to be in charge of my happiness----

I hear there is COVID going around AGAIN--People are saying   "They have a "cold" (COVID)---or-- saying "Allergies"--(COVID)---- and the best thing  really , for us, maybe--is to drag out those masks if we are in crowds--I wore one in our grocery yesterday---In fact I was THE ONLY ONE IN THE GROCERY with a mask--an ounce of prevention goes a long way--
I must get busy--I hear Sadie  (that wonderful cleaning Lady, )--who , as you know, is really me---is dropping by --soon too--REMEMBER __WE LIVE EVERY DAY!---  Make to-day the best day ever!


  1. Sis, the memes are right on tract. That first is exactly like my (you know) Law of Attraction teaches!
    Is Himself on a waiting list at least for a place to move when you can't handle him anymore? In the US, there are waiting lists for entry.
    Three dogs must really be a chore! I know you love them, though, and their pet parents.
    Sadie may vacuum here today. That's about all. I really am getting tired of swatting fruit flies that think they can 'pic out' on Lucky's wet food! I have a container of apple cider vinegar to attract them...
    Working on trying to get credit for the car brakes. Can't drive it anywhere the way they're squeaking.
    Time to get busy here, dear. I feel for you with all you have to handle. If we were closer, you could cry on my shoulder and I could really give you {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. No--not on a waiting list yet--suppose he will be sooner than later----Lola and Apollo are back home--They are good dogs but--- it was 3 dogs--LOL-- They have to go out a lot--- I have to pick up what they drop --LOL-- feed the right dog the right food=--And--Did you get your brakes fixed??-- Hope so as yu need that car-- HUgs, Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I love that first meme. Yes, we are all in charge of our own happiness. Woke up to rain here today, sure didn't want to get out of bed. This is day 1 of my husband's outdoor painting class. Thankfully there is a shelter they can be in. It's suppose to rain all day long! Another quiet day for me. It seems my body is ready for that surgery - it's certainly not cooperating with me lately! Have a good day.

    1. One more week to go Kathy?--It has cooled down here and finally have the AC off-=-Lynda

  3. Love that last image! Live every day!
    Found your blog to be a port in storms today. Thank you, thank you so much for writing!

    1. Oh Alicia--SO good to hear from yu--Happy that yu found the blog helped yu--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! Three dogs is a lot. My two are a lot so three is a whole lot. I saw masks out and about in Ohio today. There was an article in the news last week that Ohio was in a summer surge. People gathering inside from the heat. My husband has out patient surgery next Tuesday. Hope that will be safe from all that. Get some rest this evening. Hugs!

    1. Hope yer HUsband sails thru the surgery--Lynda

    2. I told him. Thank you! He is a sailor! LOL

  5. YES! That is so important to remember that WE are I charge of our happiness . . . . always.

    I KNOW! Had to go to the grocery store today and DEFINILTY was one of the only ones masked. And YES Covid is making the rounds, and will rise even higher when school starts (along w/other viruses).

    You are doing great considering all that is on your plate. YES, men, no matter what the circumstances, DO tend to get frustrated easily and lose their temper when frustrated. Have that going on here sometimes, too. But, I just go on about my business and it passes. I know it's not like that w/Himself. That is more challenging.


    1. No--it is sorta the same here--I try to pretend I am deaf--LOL--- I do not want to argue with Himself-- Always good to hear from yu Barb-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda, GREAT inserts today. Love your positivity and love you for sharing it with us. We are as happy as we make up our mind to be!
    Darn hot in St.Louis...still. high 90sF or 100 today.. hot is hot.
    Sadie helped to knock out the house early. Weights/balance class at gym and now I'm headed to my daily volunteer job at the food pantry. It's my escape from home for a bit every day.
    Have a great, happy day. Don't let anyone rain on your sunshine. You are a beautiful, happy, content, loving, strong woman. Give yourself a hug.
    Stay cool.
    Glad 2 dogs go home today.
    Hugs dear lady.

  7. Hi Lynda, my comments didn't publish so I'm back. GREAT INSERTS. Thank you for the positivity. You're the best!
    Hot in St.Louis but that's not new. It's close to 100. Hot is hot.
    Glad 2 dogs will get picked up.
    Yes. People are masking up again.
    Thanks for brightening my day. Stay, beautiful, content, happy, strong and awesome.

    1. Aww Marge-- Yu are amazing-- Our heat has gone-=-The AC is OFF--windows open--Lynda

  8. Hang in there, Lynda! One day of our lives... lived!


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