Monday, August 19, 2024

No One Gets Through Life Unscathed-

 Quite a day to-day----Freezing cold -with mega wind! --  And---Just so you realize---that--  WE ARE FABULOUS!--Do you feel FABULOUS this morning?  -

-We must be , partly because we have survived this long----- There "ARE" benefits to getting a tad older than most people----What are they you say?--

-#1Well, as you see in the picture, we have lotza clothes--- in fact, we have so much clothing, we give  some away---
--#2-We do not get upset when other people lose their mind over crazy stuff we might do---  We just say, "What the hell eh!"
---#3-We have made a lot of friends over the years who help us get out of difficult situations--
---#4-We are not hungry-- EVER----so, it does cut back on groceries-
--#5--We have learned that we are stronger  than most women---so we are able to do more than we ever believed we could!
--#6--Sometimes we have a husband, and sometimes we don't, but we cope with or without--
--#7--We have most everything that we need in our homes, so are able to help others furnish their apartments sometimes---
--#8--Our brain is jam packed full of creative ideas which we have picked up over the years, and usually  we are able to  "make do"--not buy as much stuff--
--#9--We do have Grandkids, who might help us when we cannot  fix a problem
--#10-We are generally happy campers---kind ----quite smart ----and generous people who enjoy each day---quite self sufficient.-AND --We simply ADORE OUR PETS---
So--How was your weekend?---Did you get some rest?--Are you happy --and you now it?(---so you can clap your hands?)----Just, imagine yourself happy--

        Sadie , that cleaning Lady, is here--who is really me, chomping at the bit here to get going, ---and before I forget, --------be kind to yourselves--and----try to stick up for yourselves---





  1. It's Kathy. Love your 10 benefits of being older! And yes, being loved by a dog is a pretty special thing. My Daisy needs a good brushing before I have my surgery. She leaves clumps of fur everywhere and it drives me crazy. I won't be able to pick it up for weeks after surgery - can't bend over until my back starts to heal. But I have figured out how to use the Romba so I'll just have to run that every other day! I had a wonderfully quiet weekend. Talked to my daughter this morning - little Jake told me to have a good surgery tomorrow. Sweet little boy. Even Roman talked, said he loved me! That's a first! Things aren't so good with them seeing their father. And of course, he believes all the Autism professionals don't know what they are doing! I probably won't be able to check in until later this week! Once I'm home I'll catch up with you! Hope you have a good day!

    1. Those 2 boys are coming round Kathy--I wish you so much help in this surgery--I shall say a prayer --just get better--and big hugs--Lynda

  2. Lynda, wow! You're quoting Taylor Swift now! Of course there is positive and negative things happening. We just need to focus on the positive those pets that love us!
    Sadie will split her attention today between you and I. I won't need her too long, so she'll probably spend most of her time at your house.
    Sorry your weather is turning so soon. Here it's mostly sunny. Not summer warm, though. It will warm up a bit this afternoon. Good cool weather for sleeping last night and tonight, too.
    You probably are not adding to your electricity bill using the A/C.
    If you're working with Sadie today, you will probably need a rest this afternoon. Music soothes our stress level, too, doesn't it? Not Taylor Swift, though. I am past all that angst she often sings about. I sometimes hear her though on my country music station I have running on the radio most of the time.
    Still waiting for the mail to see if my rent rebate will eventually.
    I trust you all will enjoy your day, sis. My kids' junior high principal used to tell them after the morning announcements, "Make yourself a good day." I doubt many of them understood the meaning of that. Most people believe how their day goes is led by what happens to them, not how they feel and what they focus on. We're lucky.
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yes positive thoughts--Sadie was only able to help me do half a room--then left--to your house_-LOL--No---The day kinda fell apart-- but--there is always tomorrow--Lynda

  3. LOL! Yup . . . saying What the He** a lot lately here, it seems. But . . . that’s all right!

    We do the best we can in whatever situation we are in, and that’s all that can be asked of us.

    HUGS and hope it warms up a tad for you. Pleasant here, no rain, which is good, because today is garbage day.

    That means, hiking the can to the curb, no matter what the weather! Always appreciate good weather on garbage pick up day.

    HUGS and blessings

    1. cold here today Barb--but--I like it--no bugs either--Lynda

  4. It was a good weekend, with a mix of dog-stuff and human-stuff, including seeing the kids and my son's inlaws. Ember seems to be fully herself after her experience with the spay, and I have recovered from the fanny flop when her leash gave way on Friday morning's walk. Ain't life grand, Lynda?

    Keep Sparking!

    1. Had a quiet weekend...wish I had some place to go shopping for some new tops....but unfortunately I can't go all the way to
      Tell Sadie not to work too hard..I gave it up for

    2. Darlene-Whatta good idea--just give it all up--LOL-Lynda

    3. Dogs are a challenge--I agree Barb!!Lynda

    4. Barb---dogs dogs dogs--hard to think thy are such a big deal as we age--but--thy are!--Lynd

  5. Hi Lynda, loved all your inserts today.
    Yes, there are benefits to being older. A positive attitude helps so much as life does throw stuff in our paths. There's always what the fall back on.
    Pets are the best! Unconditional love so freely given by pets.
    Have a great evening.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Marge-- Yes our pets mean a lot to us--Lynda


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