Saturday, August 24, 2024

This little Light of Mine--I'm going to let it Shine!

Happy--Happy Happy---a new day--The sun is out---We are alive---It is a new day--- and---  WE HAVE DECIDED TO BE IN A GOOD MOOD!  Holy cow! Life doesn't get better than that!-----and to add to  our happiness---There is no snow to shovel---We feel quite well---We have enough food in the house, and we might even get a wee rest in to-day.
To-day we will hurry less----  worry a lot less, trust that life will unfold the way we hope it will, and maybe even better than we can even imagine.

Yesterday, Sushi, the cat who moved in from a minus 31C extremely cold day----feral---spent her 1st winter under our bed--on Himself's side---was very well behaved at the vet---In fact she purred in the vet's office, on my lap--seemed to enjoy the attention--and I even got to drive her home here before going back for himself--You know, as a kitten, she had been dumped at the boat launch , with her brother and her Mom --Both her Mom and her brother were devoured by wild animals--somehow she survived and if you remember, I first saw her on our back deck, eating bird seed by the bird feeder---That was many many moons ago--- It seems to be common practice in this area to just dump animals , hoping they will survive our very hard winters--sad isn't it??

To-day I shall whip out the vacuum---  run it around --sorta---Doncha jess get tired of doing that chore almost everyday?---- I'd much rather be outside--- so, as mom used to say, "Give it a lick and a promise" and get on with the day---OUTSIDE" of course--

Did any of you listen to Kamala's speech the other night?--She did say. "Never let anyone tell you who you are--You SHOW them who you are"-------I do not usually speak of Politics, but she spoke so well---as a strong woman--impressive--definitely not  "wimpy"----kinda reminded me of my Mom---who I felt could do anything--

I am off of here--- I must remember to be strong to-day---no tears---  no feeling sorry for myself--get out and grab this day and run with it--WE CAN DO IT!-LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!



  1. Sis, great blog...your news, a quote and meme for me to share...
    I need to push my vacuum. Have got a load of laundry in the dryer, though and went to a store.
    Busy early today. Usually I spend the first couple hours with coffee, the computer and Lucky. I had to beat everyone else to the laundry room.
    Got my hair cut yesterday. I told you that.
    Of course, Sushi enjoyed her attention. I bet everyone at the vet clinic loved her, too. Never heard her complete story before. Thank you for that.
    Lucky's story is he belonged to another resident here who abused him. The other residents (when they found out I wanted a cat and she didn't want him anymore) told me to tell her I'd take him quick to avoid more abuse. I did. He hid under my bed for 2-3 weeks. Only came out at night to eat and use his potty box. Then he crept out, eyed me, I put out my hand to let him sniff and gave him a gentle pet on his head. Ever since...we are SO bonded. I swear he is my angel and I am his.
    This book I got for us is really different. The author talks about his communication with Strongheart in a different way. I am almost done. Will send it to you soon.
    Almost time to get the clothes, fold and put them away. Then we'll see...eventually lunch, nap with my buddy, shower, change, meditate and prepare for karaoke.
    Yes...we will have a great day (and weekend) with positive thoughts, smile, hugs and laughter! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Hello Miss Maggie-Bet your hair looks great!--Nothing like a fresh cut!--Yes poor Sushi--- was quite FERAL when I brought her in--I looked online--"How to train a Feral Cat"-took 4 mos before I could touch her--I used a long back scratcher to pat her--- and as I said, she lived under our bed for 4 mos--then one day i came up and there she was, sitting on our bed-- Our vet was going to take her and keep her as a clinic cat--- but---- I drove down and picked her up after she was fixed--People just threw her away--sad egh? Yes your book sounds good-- -- Hope yu have a good night--Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda
    Beautiful inserts today! Thanks for sharing.
    Lynda, your light shines bright every day. You are a blessing to me and others. Love your positivity. You make the world a better place.
    Sushi is so pretty and has certainly come far with your love.
    HOT in St.Louis.
    I need to get busy and give the house a good cleaning plus laundry.
    Stay healthy, happy and positive.

    1. It was very hot here today--AC running all day--Did yu do any cleaning?--such a nice day to be doing that==LOL--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. Yes, I am finally starting to heal from my surgery. Not a great night's sleep last night. I haven't been taking the pain pills because the actual back pain hasn't been too bad. But where I hurt my left leg has been difficult. So, I've decided to take those darn pain pills today whenever I am suppose to. I will sit in the chair and not move around too much. My dear husband is taking excellent care of me (kind of a surprise to me, for sure) and I will just stop apologizing and enjoy the attention. Daisy sleeps with me at night until I wake up - then she goes into our bedroom to sleep with Tom. She knows I'm her mom but she also seems to know that she has to be taken care of by her dad! Dogs are so smart. One day at a time and I hope in a few days I will finally start feeling like a human being again! Thanks for all your encouragement and support. I remember when you rescued Sushi - seems she has become one of the family now! I love that!

    1. Happy to hear that yu are recovering--AND getting well deserved help from the "man" of the house!--Daisy must be happy that yu are home-Lynda

  4. Love that phrase, "whip out the vacuum"... I did a bit of that this morning. There is always more of that to do, isn't there?

    1. Barb I id sy, "
      Barb, I did say, "Whip out the vacuum"==LOLOL--never knew I say that==LOL-- Funny ---maybe because I am always in a hurray--LOL--Get -er done--Lynda-

  5. Yes, a good day today!

    Awwww, glad things went well for Sushi (and you) yesterday! Go Sushi. Suchi is a very lucky girl! And it’s too bad that people feel it’s ok to dump animals. *SIGH*

    YES YES YES! Kamal’s Mom really did a wonderful job instilling common sense and giving good advice to both she and her sister Maya. She is definitely a strong woman and is VERY articulate. She gets the message across.

    Letting my light shine today, too!

    Hugs and blessings and JOY today


    1. Nice to see the light shining Barb---Lynda


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