Thursday, August 29, 2024

A trip to an ICE BAR--

 AND--I am here--FINALLY--  almost noon and just blogging- My grass man is here staining the deck---WITH HIS DAUGHTER---  Getting them organized--- then--  Himself had to go to town-- and me to the bank-=-just home--  Lordy Be!!!-- a very busy morning with Himself not Himself--He has not been  Himself for a few days now-

--Anyway---  WE have SUN--WE have blue Sky--and it is Hair Day--plus colour--and for sure Lopez the Chihuahua will be going with me--very important  when Himself is not in a good mood--

Son#2 the Pilot is winging is way back to Montreal-from Sweden, -with his daughter plus his wife , and her daughter----They visited an ice Bar --  ate in the Ice Bar--while there. Below, they are all bundled up--inside  the Bar--

I hear even the glasses were made of ice.


                                                            Cod and swedish meatballs

I hope that your day is going well--I guess sitting on a swing,  for a bit, might put you in a good mindset--Remember those days?---not a care in the world--  just enjoying the day with your best friend--???



  1. Hi Lynda! Busy day for you! So sorry Himself has not been himself for a few days. Hope your hair goes well. Your deck will look great. It is 85 and cloudy in Ohio but so muggy. I went out to water this morning and had to come in and shower. I needed an ICE bar! It looks so cool. Literally! LOL I just knew the other day there would be swedish meatballs. Haha! Enjoy your evening. Hugs!

    1. Good to hear from yu--hot here to-nite too-Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda, sorry to hear himself isn't in a good mood. Hard to figure out a reason, if there even is one.
    Ice bar looks interesting. How cool pilot has his family on this adventure. That cod looks good. Meatballs too. It would be wonderful if you and hubs could fly with son.
    Enjoy hair and color day. Enjoy getting away.
    I'm glad yard man is willing to do things for you.
    Still crazy HOT here. Supposed to be last day of extreme heat.
    Hugs dear lady.
    Marge/ St.Louis

    1. Yes he stained the deck today--It looks so much better-Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda: Ice bar looks interesting. Probably a bit cool for me. Food looks good though. Sorry himself has been in a bad mood for that long. Hope things get better soon. Glad you're getting out for hair day though. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Thanks Brenda-- yes as difficult dy--Lynda

  4. Marti here - boy oh boy an ice bar sounds wonderful right about now. We have been stuck in a 97 degree heat wave ALL WEEK! One more day. Supposed to get a t-storm tomorrow afternoon and it will be back in the 80's. We at work are quite miserable, when we aren't in our rooms with the air conditioning. Thank goodness whoever it was invented air conditioning!

    1. I have the AC on tnis evening seems so hot--Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. Nice pictures. We've had Ice Bars in Minneapolis before but not something I'm interested in. I get the draw of them but I like to be warm! Sorry himself isn't himself - glad you took Lopez with you. You don't want to take any chances! We had quite a storm here - lots of trees down. Luckily our home was missed! I'm still having trouble with my legt and the pain. We have Annie here - Daisy's sister. I love having both girls!

    1. Kathy-difficult day to-day-- with himself-- Happy its over--Lynda

  6. Here I go again, sis...commenting later than late! I read all this earlier and admired the photos of your son, the food, etc. I was interrupted and never went back on until now. It's almost bed time!
    I got all the photos sent to the new car place for them to give me a trade in value on my current one. I did it wrong yesterday and they never went through.
    The key fobs gave me trouble... I had to youtube how to change the batteries in both of them.
    Was going to take a friend to the store, but my steering wheel locked up. I couldn't turn to exit the lot once I backed the car out. 2 friends had to push me back in place. I was afraid my power steering was gone. Turns out that steering wheels sometimes do that. It's fine now and the fob lets me in. Didn't try the other one. Tomorrow I will call the bank to see if I can afford the new one cuz my payments will go up.
    I am sure your hair is lovely. It's just the way you like it now. Do you bring Lopez in with you? You can't leave him in the car when it gets cold. Maybe take him in in a small crate?
    How is your new phone? Can't wait to find out. I have an Android...a Galaxy S9+.
    You never said why himself was not good. Health wise or just a Grumpy Gus? TTY tomorrow, Lynda {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. But--You are here Maggie--Nice day you had tho--No--I bring Lopez in with me at the Hair Dresser coz its just at her house--and she doesn't mind--I just hold him on my lap--Hope yer car deal goes thru--_Yu are certainly NOT alone , trying to balance the budget--It's not easy--a continually worry--a rainy day here-Lynda

  7. Wow! What incredible photos from the Icebar❄️

  8. Sorry that Himself is having not good days. *SIGH* and ((HUGS)) Glad that you’ll be taking Lopez w/you to your hair appointment. You need that pampering and I am sure Lopez will be grateful for the outing, too.

    It is so hard to deal with when Himself's mood changes. *SIGH* HOPE that today is a better day.

    Hos cool that Son #2 and family got to enjoy the Ice Bar in Stockholm. Must have been neat! Swedish meatballs. . . of course! LOL So good. Awesome photos.

    Hugs and blessings


    1. Hi Barb--good to see yu---Yes, yesterday was a bad day--- cannot say today is any better--=LOL--= I must just deal with it---How did you deal with it with your Mom and Dad??-- --Lynda

  9. I missed this one yesterday. Thursday was a bit of a day! But I saw the finished deck in Friday's blog! Awesome!

    Hope Himself gets back to Himself... this part of life is not easy, is it?


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