Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Remember the lessons in our lives.....

I am home here to-day--Sadie, that cleaning Lady (who is really me!) was here  however--gone now--- It is hard to always be busy--too busy--and I see Himself  just sitting on a chair watching TV---but--maybe when I am 95 , going on 96, I will be sitting on a chair---  while someone dusts around me--

Somehow, though, I can't imagine that however--I'm not a "sit on a chair",  type of person----but,  perhaps as the next few years roll by, maybe  one becomes that--Who knows ???----  I guess I'm just envious---

So, Himself was at his Day Program yesterday and one of the other  people attending, became sorta violent---The "sorta violent" person, I'm sure , will not be attending anymore-- Sad eh??-- As life rolls on and on, I hear of many people who need care--or are being taken care of in their home by their spouse----You think this has been going on since "TIME"began---or is this Happening in to-days hustle and bustle world more recently?-----

And--Last night. I had the furnace on --Suddenly we are closer to "Fall"---  I set it at 70 and I heard Himself STILL turning on a heater-----

Son#2 will be flying to Brazil to-night--so, if any of you are vacationing, he might be one of your pilots-
It is lunch time here--Lopez, the Chihuahua,  is siting on a chair beside me---waiting for me to finish--my "sidekick"!--He is a good wee boy---most of the time-

                                                Well. He can be a challenge also-----
So, Is your day going well?--- Remember what Mom used to say-"-Patience is a virtue, possess  it if you can, It's often found in women, but never in a man!"--She just told me to tell you all that! 

  Anyway, "One Day at a Time"---Remember the lessons in our lives.  They make us who we are---
                                                    STRONGER    ...like....and we become a  WARRIOR.
                                                    Enjoy your day-----as a warrior---


  1. Lynda, I am not a warrior (but I used to love the show 'Zena...') I don't fight against things, but I am FOR the things I want and love.
    There is something positive about everything, and negatives, too. Lopez and Lucky have both.
    Our heat will not be available to us yet. Think they turn it on September 15 or October 1. We can set the temp for our own space, but first the boilers have to be turned on. I think that's what they are called. We have hot water (baseboard) heat.
    The reason Sadie is gone, is cuz she was helping me! She's gone from here now, too. Guess she gets an afternoon off.
    The laundry room is busy so I guess I'll just finish lunch and do a short snooze with Lucky. By then the other folks should have their wash finished...or at least in the dryer.
    Wish I could fly to Brazil with your son! Would rather fly to see you, though. Hopefully someday. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie.

    1. naps are great Maggie--- with a book of course--- Lynda

  2. **SIGH** Good for you that you keep on going, despite Himself sitting there while you work. And you’re right . . . who knows what we’ll feel like doing when WE are 96. Blessings And I agree . . . personally, I don’t envision myself as the type of person to SIT. Just not my style.

    I think the need of many elderly to be taken care of has been going on for time immemorial. I think the ways of handling it have changed drastically over the years as families are no longer all living in the same proximity of each other, and other family dynamics changing over the years. It is a hard decision now-a-days.

    FOR SURE the hustle and bustle of these times definitely affects how able family is to take care of their elderly members. Sad that the dynamics has changed so much.

    Awwwww . . . . what a cute photo of the wee Lopez! Indeed, a good boy . . . most of the time. Just like a kid. Can’t be perfect all the time, right!?!

    Ohhhhhhhhh your Mom was so right. Patience . . . can be found in a woman, but never a man!

    Oh that last meme touched me. For sure the lessons in life surely do make us the strong, compassionate people we are today!

    HUGS and stay warm


    1. Hi Barb--- --cool here--kinda like fall-- I do like it-- no bugs-- Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, as usual, great inserts. Patience....not one of my strengths. How true that the difficulties we've overcome have made us stronger. Everything happens for a reason. We have to take the bad with the good. I know I've learned the most from the very difficult times.
    Lynda, I think caregiving always went on in the home. Multigenarational living used to be the norm whereas that's not the culture today. It was normal to care for grandparents at home. Today families are spread coast to coast and many relationships with children are estranged.
    My himself, who is not 95 but 78 has no problem sitting and watching me work. Yes, at times I'm envious but I gotta keep moving. I take him along to the gym 4 days a week. He walks the track while I'm doing cardio or strength/balance classes. Aside from that hour, he's sitting in his recliner. I do it all and feel blessed to be able to do it.
    Hope your day is going great. Quite cool here today at 64F this morning. Windows open. Nice.
    Pilot son gets to Brazil fairly often. Perhaps one day you'll be on one of his flights.
    Take care. Many hugs Lynda

  4. Marti here. My dear lady, you don't HAVE to be busy all the time. You are retired. One "chooses" to be busy, unless of course they are taking care of children. Surely the house does not need cleaned DAILY. Why don't you just a take a day "off" once in awhile to smell the roses? At your age, you've certainly "earned" it (I'm 66). I go to work, and when I come home I try to do as little as possible. It's just a 1200 sq foot condo. I cleaned it yesterday. It wore me out! Or get out of the house, go stroll by a lake or something, do something different. Do you have a mall nearby? In "town?" Can you go visit a museum or anything like that? Do a hobby at home? Life is short! Enjoy it! :)

  5. PHOENIX1949

    104F with 110-112F heat index here in Central Texas today.

    I firmly believe the things you are dealing with have pretty much been here since the beginning of time. Genealogy is my passion and I have done mine and some friends' families and found Census Records in the 1800's & 1900's that list someone as a 'lunatic' 'cripple' 'blind' 'pauper' 'feeble' etc.

    My great-grandmother I am named for suffered with dementia as were several of her 14 children (they called it 'techted in the head' in NC in the 1960's & figured most would get this as a natural aging deal). My grandfather, eldest of the 14, was spared however, his wife, my maternal grandmother suffered from early-onset dementia that progressed rapidly after a necessary surgery. Three of her six sons were hit with this. Grandma's parents died early of cholera & cancer and she and her sister were raised by their grandparents -- the male had dementia for many years as well as his father. Since it was on both of my paternal lines, I did DNA testing to see if I tested positive for the gene that can lead to this and was relieved that it showed negative, however there was an explanation that lifestyle, stress & other things could trigger (flip the switch on the gene) so it appears it's luck or unluck of the draw.

    Recently I have started watching old western shows and films and especially love the ones with wagon trains in the 1800's filmed in the 1950's as that is how some of my folks came to Texas. They contain folks of all ages and infirmities.

    Hang in there !!

    1. Oh my goodness--mega heat there!--Interesting news on Dementia-- Himself refused all testing --so I just call it "oldness"(almost 96 yrs )-- ---- hard to live with --specially in the evening--Good to hear from you in Texas -Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: It's been cool here too yesterday and today but by the weekend it's supposed to return to summer for a few days anyways. Love the heat and am not looking forward to fall! That person at the Lodge is like himself and the others but that's what dementia does. Hopefully himself doesn't do that one day, or worse, at home with you! And you are entitled to take the occasional day off too, but I know you won't - not in your DNA! Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. aww Brenda-- "not in my DNA"--god way to put it eh??--Thank yu

  7. The nature of each of us... you really are not a "sit in a chair" kind of person... says it all, doesn't it?


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