Thursday, August 15, 2024

Never fall in love with a sh*thead


The grass man just called--will be here to-morrow --and that is just fine! Hopefully we will not have a rainy day to-morrow--Well, this AM., Lopez and I "hoofed " it up the back road and back--  (Dad's expression of course)--Oh---

-  The picture below is the lift bridge over the harbour  opening, to the Hamilton Harbour,  in Burlington, ON., --- Dad was a Civil Engineer, and we were living in Burlington--   Dad worked for C.C.Parker, in Hamilton--and he designed that lift bridge-- It is the tall structure--was made to lift up  and down, allowing  the huge boats going to the steel company in Hamilton ---  I remember Dad , with his hard hat, climbing all over that structure as it was being erected-- and I was sitting in the car, waiting for him--watching him--many moons ago---

Is your day going well?----  All is good here--so far---  One never knows however when utter chaos  might break out--(well, you know how life is!)   Himself is home here to-day--and all is quiet on the home front---so far!
            I will not let anything outside of myself control me. I am in charge of my happiness. (Famous last words eh?-) We have a sunny day---  the A.C. is running--- the house temperature feels good---and all seems well---

I was at the Hairdresser yesterday----One of her clients was mentioning that she hadn't been in a dress store for ages--like a couple of years.  Have any of you?----because----  in my head, thoughts were whirling around like-- "Neither have I"----and "I thought it was just me"------because, I can't even remember when I bought anything new to wear--Lord love a Duck! I wonder if because we are all buying food---keeping the budget intact----never giving the wardrobe a second thought---well--maybe thinking that the wardrobe might need some updating, but content to pay the bills instead---AND HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME-----Oh well---We do what we can---


                        Time to get on with this day---but-----ALWAYS REMEMBER




  1. Lynda, that title and last meme are hilarious! I've done it in my day. Now it's just me and Lucky!
    Glad you have AC, hair done and grass tomorrow. You are really good at planning things. 'Course sometimes those plans can change...
    Gotta check again to see if you did comments on yesterday's blog. Just before midnight when I was preparing for bed, you hadn't yet.
    My daughter messaged me that, before Cooper (grandson) returns to school we have to meet at our favorite Asian restaurant. It's almost an hours drive for both of us, but we will do it! If we go this month, I get a free appetizer or dessert cuz it's my birthday in August. That's what happens when you sign up on a business's get stuff.
    Gotta get preparing my huge salad for our goodbye party for our maintenance man soon. Hope people will like it. If not, I'll have to wrap it up really well and eat it for days.
    Mostly sunny here and almost 70F. Nice so far, though rain is called for later.
    Hope Himself and the rest of you are all happy today. Love the meme about how everything doesn't have to be done at will all get done eventually. I'm thinking that with laundry again. {{{HUGS}}} your sis, Maggie

    1. I think we all knew a SH*T person--LOL-- fell for him--learned a lesson--LOLOL-- WE won't go there will we?--Guess what?--My grass guy did not come--I ended up doing it all as it is supposed to rain for the next 3 days--Take-er easy Maggie-- Have time for "you"--- Hugs, Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda, your day is off to a great start. Stay happy, healthy, content and strong.
    Clothes shopping. No. I have plenty of clothes and normally wear very casual clothing. The prices are ridiculous.
    I like the tid bit about your dad and the bridge. He sounds like an amazing man.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. MARGE___ Dad was a kind person--intelligent-- quiet--- a good Dad--- now--- my Mom --well--she tried-- LOL--Lynda-

  3. PS...I already did the sh**head many, many years ago. Insert made me laugh. You have no idea how profound that phrase is. Been there, done that and never doing it again.

    1. NEVER EVER fall in love with that SH*T person==LOL--I think we all have made that mistake once--LOL--Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. Yes, we must take our life moment by moment and what doesn't get done maybe didn't need to be done anyway. I am trying to get my house in order before my surgery (if it actually gets approved) because while my husband will do it when I can't, he doesn't see all that I see! Today's project is washing the kitchen floor. I'm making a broccoli cheddar pasta salad for dinner tonight too. Those are my only responsibilities for today. We also have the A/C on and Daisy is laying by the vent in my office. It must be hot for her with her very full fur coat. I brushed her again last night and she was so mad at me! But I won't be able to do it for a few weeks after surgery! Tom will try. Have a good day!

    1. I wish you well with the surgery Kathy--It will go well--I certainly will say a prayer-Lynda

  5. First of all, that last meme (don’t fall in love with a sh*thead) just made me crack up! AMEN to that.

    Glad all is quiet (or as quiet as it ever can get) on the homefront. Same here.

    Rainy day, so did have to run to the store for freggies, but that’s it, except for Miss Lilly’s nature calls. She’s quick when it rains.

    And lord . . . haven’t been in a dress shop for many years. Yes, the money has to be applied elsewhere, which is fine.

    Glad you got to have your hair day. I DID, TOO! Got the hair cut. Feels so much more manageable. PHEW.

    HUGS and here’s to a wonderful Thursday.


    1. Barb--yu have a rainy day??-=-Oh I hope we get that tomorrow-33C here--AC running all day-- Yu had a hair day also--It feels good doesn't it??--and no dress shop either-- LOL--We are ll the same--=Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! Sounds like you are getting lots done today. I got laundry done and taking care of my husband. Up the last two nights with his meds and ice packs. Getting some rain for a few days in Ohio starting tomorrow. Happy for my shrubs and flowers. My nephew has been watering. He goes home next week. How sad I will be. Hope you have a great evening!

    1. Are yu taking care of yer Husband also??-- Nice to have your nephew --Lynda

  7. Made it through Thursday! One day at a time. No, you're not alone. I even bought the dress for my son's wedding online... have not been in a dress store in eons!

  8. We are all the same---no clothing store--online sometimes --LOl--Lynda

  9. What an awesome bridge designed by your dad💫 Carol in FL

    1. My Dad the Civil Engineer--- then moved to Florida top build DisneyWorld-- Lynda


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