Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Lotza deep thoughts on a rainy day!

Are you getting rain?---  Is it still warm where you are?-- Is it getting colder?--Do you see geese flying  over?--We had geese earlier this fall in one of our parks--It seemed like they were resting, ready to continue on their merry way eventually. I have not see the "V" formations flying over yet.When that happens , we pretty much know that winter will be setting in sooner than later----

We do have a rainy day --still quite mild --but--(Isn't there always a big "BUTT"?)---I hear when this rain ends, the temperature will fall---

Yesterday was Himself's Birthday--and it was busy-- Son#1, the restaurant owner, dropped in with dinner for him-with Birthday wishes--Son#3, the Policeman brought him muffins with Birthday wishes, and Son#4, came with his daughter who had made a delightful card for Himself  and wished Himself a Happy Birthday--Daughter in Ohio sent balloons and Son#2, the Pilot sent himself a McDonalds card, with  the amt of dollars on it to match his age---We were pooped by night--just so much action in one day-It really is a good thing that he only has a Birthday once a year!

Well, I hear that the Bank of Canada is once again going to hike the interest rates---Already I find it difficult to  keep the books in order--If anything breaks, such as a refrigerator,  it causes a lot of stress. Am I the only one going thru this?---I try not to lay awake at night worrying over it all, but---  it is always in the back of my mind--Do any of you feel this also?--- Things usually do work out alright, but---I  keep seeing the price of EVERYTHING slowly rising and  we, being older than old now, have only our pensions-Maybe we should all get jobs--LOLOLOL---   in our spare time!--LOLOLOLOL

--  I guess that is why I read ---  I do enjoy my books--  my kindle----- and I certainly am happy that  we live where we do--Books can carry one away---and the piano----- Playing the piano relaxes one! ---  And wee Sushi-, the cat who came in from the cold--Everyday she tells me how happy she is to be inside and warm-
I do believe that life will return to some kind of normal one day--A good walk in the woods  does help---plus Halloween is almost here-- (Did you get into your Halloween candy which was supposed to be for the children?)--  Lord love a Duck--
It really will be good to just relax to-day----maybe say a prayer for the people of Ukraine! 



  1. The weather has been doing a "roller coaster" here, record lows, and record highs within October. There was visible frost on the roofs yesterday morning, after having had a record high temperature on Sunday! Oh, well. We did get some rain on Monday, which was welcome as it's been very dry.

    A belated Happy Birthday to Himself, as I didn't get around to checking the blogs yesterday! Sounds as though the sons came through to make it special for him.

    Hope your Wednesday is a good one, with those financial worries shoved off into a corner, like dust bunnies. Oops, did I say out loud what I do with mine?


    1. I do worry a lot about the finances Barb--Silly eh???-a cold wet day here today-- kinda nice to be inside tho Lynda

  2. It sounds as if it was a busy birthday for Himself, with all of the kids wishing him a good day. The locals (boys) must have planned it so not everybody was converging on the house at the same time. And the McDonald's gift card is perfect for the man who loves McDonald's!

    I an avid library user and reader, and didn't have a Kindle until the pandemic when everything shut down for months and I was going through withdrawal. The Kindle really helped me get through, and I am a convert. I love that I can access library books on the Kindle, too.

    1. yes, I love my kindle--living where we do--=It tis easy to get a book now- nice to hear from yu-Lynda

  3. It as been raining or drizzling since we got home Sunday night . . .no sunshine just dark and dreary . . .not cold though so that part is good. Our prices continue to rise here in NH. Gas was down a little when we left but is back up to $3.45 a gallon as of yesterday. It was $3.95 in PA . . . I haven't seen the propane bill yet as they haven't filled our tank in a while but I know that will be a whooper. . . and the grocery prices are crazy. Glad it is just Al and I . . . would not want to be trying to feed hunger teenagers in this economy. Oh and I haven't seen any geese headed South yet . . . .maybe they are staying this year.

    1. WE pay $426 for 10 most of the year for propane-- terrible! Lynda

  4. U R not exaggerating about prices. Just put in my grocery order online thru Kroger here in Virginia. Today 18 eggs were $5.19. I researched my order from May 2021 and they were $1.49 that week on sale from$1.89. Just the two of us here and we are not extravagant so we are doing ok. But I am overcome with worry and sadness about families and kids who are going hungry. I dont have any answers other than to donate where we can but the need surpasses all.

    1. Hopefully this will pass--and soon too-Hugs my friend-Lynda

  5. The kids really came through for Fred's BD. You'll be eating lots of McDonald's lol.
    Rain here yesterday. Had been very warm but now its cool.
    I, too, worry about balancing the books as you say. I'm hoping all will work out. I have everything I need for this day so I'm good and grateful.
    Take care.
    Play your piano

  6. Lynda, you are always spot on with your posters!
    Glad Himself's birthday was as special as he is. Hope you got some dinner you didn't have to cook, too.
    All the kids remembered the special day, huh? That's great! 3 out of 4 remembered mine in August.
    No geese here. Lots of squirrels looking to store up food, though. And the feral cats! Wish I could rescue them all like you did Sushi.
    I believe we are all (we old people, anyway) are concerned about the economy. I don't really worry, though. The Law of Attraction teaches, "Everything always works out for me." It has been true for me so far ;-)
    Today an older friend is coming up to my apartment to watch the show that is on a channel she no longer gets with her cable...Dancing with the Stars. I bought a smart tv before I retired. I can get it on an app I have.
    Not going out til tomorrow...when I will need bananas.
    I think of you and yours often, too, hon. This includes your precious furbies. (That's an abbreviation that was used on one of my Spark teams). {{{HUGS}}}

    1. YU are so good to keep me in yer thoughts----and that is good--that things do turn out-Lynda

  7. Had rain all day yesterday and it’s cool today. No geese migrating here.

    Awwwww, so nice that all the kids celebrated their Dad’s birthday! I bet you were tired!

    We just went through that! Had to buy a new car in September. October the fridge/freezer died. No choice but to get a new one (thankfully it arrived w/in 3 days). Food, takes twice as long (at least) to get things needed as just not well supplied! And yes, it’s more expensive.

    I try to remember those who have it soooooooo much harder – like those in the Ukraine. **SIGH** Just unimaginable in this day and age

    Awwww, blessed little Sushi. Indeed a lucky little one. And Lopez, too!


    1. Yes-for sure-- lotza people have it much worse-- Funny-Our frig/freezer went on the blink too--Lynda

  8. It rained here yesterday(Tuesday)but we thankfully missed any violent weather....I have a Kindle and also love to go "somewhere" far away in my stories...........yes I think everyone is worried about the economy, but I am will eventually straighten itself out ....glad all the kids came to see their Dad........glad you have Sushi and the pups also enjoy you playing the piano.........

    1. I simply love my kindle-- Lynda

  9. I’m so glad the kids remembered their Dad yesterday. Pleasant greetings, thoughtful gifts, the McDonalds card for sure! Treat yourself. Glad you keep having the piano tuned, worth it to you for sure. We worry about breakdown of household parts, too…. Normal, I guess. Take care. Doris

    1. Hi Doris--Yes--The piano relaxes one--Lynda

  10. Glad everyone remembered himself's birthday and it was a good day. It was raining some here today but it's supposed to be nicer over the weekend and rain on Halloween. Got my snow tires on today in the rain. Have a good evening.

    1. nice --comforting--feeling too get the snow tires on-- Lynda

    2. I also worry about where the money will come from when we have a big expense, but it seems to always show up when we need it. We've had a few rainy days but today, finally, we saw the sunshine. And it's going to get even nicer through Halloween. BUT, I suppose this is the end of the good weather since Tuesday is November!

  11. I know this is an older post, but just wanted to say yes, over here in Australia everything is expensive right now and with the floods in the east, there's a lot of fresh food that is pretty expensive at the grocery store. I've been having two 'no meat' days a week to make up for it and get mostly frozen veggies because the price hasn't changed as much on them yet. I just had a discussion with a fellow that helped me with Rod's software when Rod passed. We're getting more and more subscription cancellations and likely within 2 or 3 months, that will be the end of that passive income for me. It was nice, but I understood that it couldn't last forever so a few years extra income was appreciated for sure. I'll miss it but will have to tighten my belt even tighter.

    Oh the candy. I bought ONE small bag of a name brand Mini Fun bar and have been allowing myself only two a day. I convince myself that that is enough. I just hope I don't see it on the scales next I'm on them! Do wish Himself a happy Belated Birthday for me. I had mine on the 18th and am proud to say I've made it to 61.


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