Saturday, November 12, 2022

Keep Calm and Chomp on!

 Does anyone ever tell you that "YOU" are cute--anymore?--Well, I am telling  yu! ----
--And--Son#2, who is in Copenhagen right now, just sent some very interesting pictures. Look at the canal?

This is a pool, in the river--What a good idea! 
A Danish cold Tub along the river ----
and, 50 Kroner is $9 Canadian--

Yesterday was  not a good day for Himself-- I managed to get thru it by sending him upstairs for a nap---which didn't make too much difference ---When he got up, he was still VERY critical of everything -
-I try to remember how his life used to be---always helping  people get better as he is a Doctor--  never spending much of the day at home here as I was always home and he was at the office--loved his work--loved helping people--was such a good Dad to all our children-- and now----- since Covid, everything has changed- and I am the only one who he can complain to--I sound like a "SAINT" don't I?----  but--I'm not--I did a lot of walking around the yard--along the back road-- trying so hard to not lose my mind--  Lord love a Duck  ----and I talked to Sushi, the fat cat, , big Beau, the Shepherd, and little Lopez, the wee little spunky Chihuahua,  a lot-- They can hear me--Himself cannot! 
To-day , so far, is going better--  but--One never knows --LOLOL---  We do have Sunshine--  cool temperatures, no snow -yet--- and Praise the good Lord (Mom used to say that)---I  am not sick-- 
Hopefully you get thru your day--be it  good or bad--  You have to be your strongest when you feeL your weakest!--Isn't that great advice?
-  --all of our wishes---  


  1. Love that last sticker for sure. Those must be the goals of much of humanity.
    Aren't you glad you have your pets to take your mind off things? Himself's nap at least must have given you a 'time out' from is 'antics.'
    I woke up this morning to see a dusting of snow in the corners of the pavers, etc. Not much sticking yet, but it is early. The temp is 27F. I got out my long down coat yesterday. Haven't yet put on thermal underwear, though. Maybe I'm finally getting used to the weather up north. Minnesotans say 'oofda' or something like that. Have you heard that expression?
    Let's both have a great weekend, Whadya say? {{{HUGS}}}

    1. IT IS a good weekend for sure! No--Ive never heard of "oofda"-- I wonder what that means?--LOL---- I always look forward to yer comments-Lynda

  2. Sigh! Some days are just plain hard, aren't they? Here's hoping today is better. Those are great photos from your son #2. I know I get a charge out of the photos my daughter in law (to be) shares when they travel... I hope those photos from your son do the same for you.

    Hugs and good vibes sent your way.

    1. Yes Barb-- Son#2 does enjoy visiting these countries-- He was on the Canadian Jr National Swim Team so that is why the pictures of pools-Lynda

  3. Replies
    1. Oh-hugs to yu too-and I really hope yu had a good day-Lynda-

  4. Good to hear that today is a better day than yesterday. It is a blessing that Himself has good days after his bad day so that you get some relief. Enjoy today.

    1. My Goodness-- Himself is much better to-day--so difficult to take when he gets so angry-Lynda

  5. We are having unusually warm weather. . . 70 today after the rains from last night cleared. I don't know how you do it. I think I would be seeking some kind of help for you and himself. You are one strong woman. Hugs from NH

    1. YU know, I tried having whatever help there is out there, but it doesn't workout-- Maybe someday , if he gets worse, it will -- lets hope it doesn't get worse--LOL-Lynda

  6. LOVE your memes. TRUTH . . . . we have to be @ our strongest when we feel our weakest. You are doing that!

    That's one wonderful thing about fur babies -- they listen w/o comment, and seem to agree w/whatever you say.

    LOVE the pictures from son #2 in Copenhagen. Beautiful!

    HUGS and have a good weekend.


    1. Barb what would I do with out the 2 boys?--(as in dogs)_ And-- they don't talk back--LOL-Lynda

  7. I actually do think you're a saint, or at least very close!!! You do all you can to keep yourself from loosing it and I know that isn't easy. My husband was very ill a few years ago and some days I just had to get out of the house with Daisy or work in the yard. I love all the photos! Your son does get to visit a lot of wonderful places. I hope today continues to be a good day you you and Himself!

    1. Well yesterday I almost "lost it"-- I know this is not "him"-- and yes, Son#2 loves his job--No food pictures tho--yet--Lynda

  8. Some nice pictures of Copenhagen, maybe food ones are next! Yes, women always told to put up with whatever, but others can let the pressure out! Poor women! What a world, run by men! I hope you had a better day, all day, today. Take care.

    1. But--Women really run the men-- but -we dont tell them--LOl--Lynda

  9. Thank goodness for our pets. And, I believe that you are a saint! Always keeping a smile on your face or at least, trying to. Life is so challenging.
    I love your pictures and sayings. I also hear my mom with several of your quotes.
    Hopefully you can play a tune on your piano and get lost in the music. Hugs to you!

    1. Wow Jacquie--Our Mood must be the same vintage eh?--LOL-Lynda

  10. Glad today was a better day. You are one strong lady and don't ever think you are not! Thank goodness for pets. They help keep us sane. And give us exercise. I love the pictures of Copenhagen. It looks like such a nice place. I'm glad your son gets to go to these places and sends pictures. It's the closest I'll ever get to travelling! Hope the rest of the day is good.

  11. I'm so sorry for those bad days with your DH. I don't know how you do it without any helper. I accept I can't do that. I hired help. Hugs.

    1. Well I do it now Patricia--- but--There will come a time that I cam't---HUgs -Lynda


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