Friday, July 7, 2023

"Good Day to Y'all! "

 Good Day to you---WE HAVE COOL WEATHER--Isn't that wonderful?- The A.C. is off, and the windows are open-- and we feel a breeze coming into the house.  As I type , I think Son #2, and family , plus Son #1 and Son #3 are heading north--coming home---- everyone will be in town this weekend--with their families --plus their dogs---ever exciting! -- 

Yesterday I ended up cutting grass--the front lawn, the dog pen, and the septic bed--  Ethan, the Grandson, who usually does it , was out of town , and it looked pretty shaggy--It looks better now--  He will do the lake side  probably later on to-day. I don't mind cutting grass , but it has been so hot,  you kinda melt out there-- and the horse flies  try to bite your hands, in the heat--I also picked up the 2 dogs Tick medication--to start on august 4th--There is always something eh--plus, I drove the garbage to the boat launch where we can throw it into bins--4 large bags of very heavy garbage-

I guess that is me--crispy----LOL----I am trying to not go to the grocery store to-day--I feel that I am there too much--- and then we end up throwing food out--food that is left in the frig---speaking of groceries, the Canadian Gov't sent cheques out to families, whose income was below a certain amount-- for groceries-- --nothing for us---It must be so difficult if you have a slew   of children, to feed them all, in a healthy way--This one time cheque , I suppose will help------ Too bad they just can't put a ceiling on prices , of foods--which would help everyone.
I thought the above quite true--I like the picture of the Lady----So, I am yattering on here--It's time to break out the vacuum, and it seems like a good cool day to weed whack- - Have a great day--- remember that you are stronger than you believe yu are----


  1. Good morning, Lynda! It is cool in Ohio today, too. I sprayed weeds this morning and thought of you as a big fly kept after my hand. They are annoying! Gosh, what fun to have all the family there. Maybe you should have saved the mowing. Lol Grocery pickup this evening. We go sometimes but mostly pick it up. I have my 15 year old nephew every summer. He used to eat like a bird but now eats like a real teenager. Lol I love having him and it makes me happy to see him eat better. He wants McDonald’s for lunch. I will send some to himself. Lol Hope he is doing well for you! Have a fabulous weekend! Hugs!

  2. Good morning,
    I giggled at the crispy insert. Yep, I'm crispy. And I agree that old age does come at a bad time.
    You certainly keep busy inside and out. Dragging trash to the dumpster sounds like yet another fun chore.
    Sure glad its cool enough to open your windows. Fresh air inside is so nice.
    With the influx of kids, grands and pets it does sound like you'll be busy in your kitchen. I know you love having everyone over on the deck.
    Have a great day.
    Stay strong.

  3. Glad that you can have the windows opened and get fresh air into the house! Doing that here, too. Lovely!

    Glad that you’ll have help with the mowing! It will be nice to have family around. Probably good for Himself, too. Hope that he is doing well with all the extra activity going on.


  4. Take the good times as they come and it seems like they are certainly arriving soon with all of the family together for the weekend. How fun!!
    Enjoy every little minute! ❤️Eissa7

  5. What a fun time it will be to have all the family together. When it only happens once a year everyone is so excited to see one another and catch up. Enjoy your time with everyone and remember to relax. As your last poster says "You are a Very special person"

  6. It's Kathy - we are having some very nice cool days and other than one day next week it should continue. I love being able to have the windows open. I'm afraid I'm also crispy - so much of myself creaks! I also love the meme with the old lady. Yes, I forget so much these days. Enjoy your family! I so loved having mine here but it's also nice that life will return to normal after today!

  7. I love your crispy and old age memes. I am crispy too and old as well! Sounds like you will have a houseful this weekend. Hope you all have a great time. And glad Ethan will cut the rest of the grass. Enjoy! Hugs Brenda

  8. Lynda, is the dogs' medicine also good for skeeters and fleas?
    So part of your family is going home, but you still have some close by. That is really a comfort. Family is so important.
    Sounds to me like you're doing lots of yard work again for one day for an 80 year old! And Sadie is going to vacuum? You will sleep well tonight!
    My check came. I shopped. Got fresh pears, organic strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon...AND FORGOT BANANAS! I will be eating my last one after I meditate...which is as soon as I finish this comment.
    Hope you all have a marvelous weekend!
    And, yes...the cooler weather is better.

  9. Hugs and glad you got some cooler weather (as we have, too). We even got some more rain, for which I am also grateful! Have a wonderful weekend!


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