Yes, It is Halloween-all the ghosts and goblins will be out!---- The picture above is my daughter's front steps, in Ohio---
Do you enjoy Halloween?--I am just asking because I never did---even as a kid--- My Mom was never into it--never helped us figure out a costume-- I cannot remember the house being decorated--- I believe when she was growing up, it just wasn't a big thing----- I do remember trying to figure out a costume, as a kid--- and those days, the stores were not set up too much with Halloween things--so--mostly we were ghosts --or a tramp-- an old man---I do remember getting a lot of apples when we went "trick and treating"---My own children , I think, enjoyed Halloween--
And--Have yu eaten most of the candies you bought for Halloween?---I hate to admit it, but---I did eat one chocolate bar ----- We do not get many children out in the bush, where we live--In fact we usually get no children--but--the chocolate bars will go to the Grandkids in town--(if I do not eat them!)
I do hope that to-day, you do make yourself a priority --It is necessary--Maybe Sadie could have the day off--I have no errands to run--
Halloween was so much fun!