Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Please Heal Our World

 I need to write the above in my brain-- paste it in front of my face--Don't EVER Give up!---because----that will get you no-where--at least if you try to do something, and  it is most difficult--  at least yu have given it your best shot---and maybe--after a good nights sleep, when you tackle it to-morrow,  many good ideas will have filtered in that brain--=and--the job which seemed impossible yesterday--will happen--Lord love a Duck!---   We are all stonger than we think--We just have to remember that! 

So--that is my story and I'm sticking to it-- Mom is screaming in my head the saying below--------------------------""Good, Better, Best--May it never rest--till the Good is better--and the better, best-""-----------I do not know what that has to do with being strong, but she seems to think it has---

-- Now you all may be thinking , "How on earth did she get onto all the "stay Strong" business?--- 

BECAUSE  WE HAVE NEW HOUSE PHONES__WITH A NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER---but, were promised by Bell Telephone that , we would have the new number only for a few days, and then our old number would be "PORTED OVER" 

--Well, that is a lot of milarcky -----  BELL is supposed to get ahold of our old phone provider and ask them to "PORT" it over-  Well--after 255 calls to Bell, and put on hold for hours and hours , and getting nowhere  yesterday, I was completely discouraged-

-- This morning, bright and early, I called Bell, and after being put "ON HOLD"-another 346 times, a person FINALLY said she will call the old provider and ask them to PORT the old number over--so---we just might get our old number on our new house phones-- but--- after a good nites sleep,  I decided to tell her to take all the house phones out as we were going to stay with our old provider--SHE FINALLY SAID SHE WOULD CALL OUR OLD PROVIDER AND REQUEST A CHANGE OVER_send our old number--or "port" it to Bell--

We have sunshine--  frost over night--with a temperature drop of minus --4 C--  cold morning--I have a friend who does minor repairs out here raking leaves-- on the lake side---I FNALLY caved in and hired help before the snow hits us--

In these  very frightening times, I found the above a tad consoling----"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster"---etc etc---  It is worth reading-----Our world needs help-----




  1. I have loved Kipling's writings from my father's knee up. He used to read from "Just So Stories" to us when we were tiny, and he loved the poems, too. "I have six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew..." he would recite in cadence. "If", the one you posted above was also a favorite of his. May we keep cool heads, my friend.

    That phone story sure has a long "tail". Hope it resolves soonest!

    1. so happy yu love Kipling and I happened to post that-- -- aND-- I think that phone company will eventually sort out the phone mess-I hope!--LOL-Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I'm with Snoopy - we really need our world healed. So many at war. I don't understand why some people think it's okay to take what other people have. I can't even watch the news right now - too upsetting. I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time with your phones. I do hope they can put your old number into your new phones - I would hate to have to learn a new number at this point in my life! We are having a very nice day today - I love seeing the sunshine! Hope today is a good day for you!

    1. Yes to-day did go well Kathy-- I finally payed a workman/friend--to come out and do the leaves on the lakeside-and he did a good job--and like a miracle--the Bell guy called this afternoon and they are now going to call our old provider and get our old phone number--I hope it all works out-Lynda

  3. I know dealing with Communication companies is a test of our patience and persistence. Good luck with the outcome! It is a sunshiny day today! Donna_cps2 Pray for peace!

    1. Yu have to be strong to deal with the telephone companies without going crazy--LOL--Lynda

  4. Prayers for peace! Donna_cps2

  5. Well, in my little corner of the world all is well, and that is all that I really care about. I can't worry about what the rest of the world is doing. Maybe that sounds naive or uncaring, but I just can't allow all that in. I just put one foot in front of the other. Everything is going well here. My boyfriend who lives in Columbus is progressing nicely towards moving in here with me in Newark in about 2 or 3 weeks. First thing he had to do was shred all his various papers that he'd never done anything about. Then go thru the stuff that is in his upstairs condo part. Then find a home for the cat - mission accomplished, his parents will take her on. They have another cat, but also two floors, it should be fine. Then, get him here permanently, and he will have to find a job. I've just kept on praying and little by little, it all gets done! :)

    1. Yu are good to only pay attention to your corner--and yes, t sounds like it is working out for yu--That really is great!--Lynda

  6. I'm glad you found some help to hire. I hope it works out well. Yes, paste it in front of your face because you ARE ALL of those things! Your phone situation must have just been crazy to deal with. So sorry for you having so much to do. It's still just yucky in Ohio. Tommy did get his first haircut today. He looks cute but quite different. They said he was a bit naughty, too! lol Suggested a relaxation package next time. I hope your day has been nice and you can rest this evening!

    1. Yes the phone situation was challenging but--it seems it is working put--Now who is Tommy??--- and what is a relaxation package--Maybe I need that too--LOL--Lynda

    2. Tommy is the yorkie puppy who got his first haircut. lol Great idea, let's get the relaxation package! Come visit Ohio and I will set us up. lol

  7. I'm with Snoopy.
    Your phone situation sounds frustrating and daunting. Does that mean you are going back to the voice over internet system? I'm confused.
    As usual, loved your inserts. You always give us something to ponder, something to smile at and positivity.
    You are such an awesome, amazing woman.
    Yay...help with leaves...help period.
    Take care.
    Gorgeous day in St.Louis

    1. I had a call from Bell to-day-- Praise the Lord eh!-They are going to ask Vianet to port our old number over to Bell--I hope it works--Lynda

  8. Stay strong and be patient....hope it works out as you want it to.

  9. I am very late posting and had better tell you tomorrow that I posted late.
    Love the poem. There is an IF for boys and an IF for girls, too. My grandma turned me onto poetry when I was VERY your. Actually, it was my mom and daddy, too.
    So happy you got help with your leaves! Hope you can get more when the snow flies, too.
    No food photos this time, nor mention of Himself and the pets. I trust all is okay on that front
    Sometimes you gotta keep on these customer service folks. It will all be right in the end.
    It was 70F here today with a mix on sun and clouds! Indian Summer?
    Bedtime now. Hope you're having sweet dreams. {{{HUGS}}}

    1. I check now to see your comments-- LOL-- I know that sometimes yu are late posting--Never worry-- We had some worker from Community Care" yesterday--stAyed all morning--nice Lady but no idea of what I am going thru==himself told her he does not have Dementia--and she seemed to believe him-- kinda discouraging for me-- Anyway--all is well-- Son#2 staying with his inlaws in Britain so only sent a pic of Lasgna--- Hope you are OK-Lynda

    2. Like your Mom’s saying! Definitely these are times that we need to be strong . . . stronger than we think we are (and we ARE stronger than we think we are!)

      Oh my goodness. At least you have new house phones, now . . . to get the old phone # ported over. Sometimes we have to get tough w/’customer service’ to get things done. It’s a pain, but . . . hopefully it worked for you.

      Proud of you for hiring help to get through the winter. You gotta do what you gotta do to stay afloat!

      I could not agree with you more . . . our world needs BIG help. *SIGH* It is disconcerting to spend too much time watching the news. Prayers said for healing often and loudly here.



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