Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Exercise? I thought you said EXTRA FRIES

 I need to read the above this AM---It  has been busy--plus Himself  kinda difficult this morning--He is at his Day Program--I drove him in and they had the cafeteria set up for them to play "Chair tennis--with Balloons and huge  fly swatters--It looked like fun----Our daughter will pick him up at noon so I have a bit of time to vacuum -- with Sadie--that wonderful cleaning Lady , who as you know, is really me--LOL

Son #2 has departed  for home--(I think I told you)-with Gerrard , their dog. Sad to see them go ---  --And we have a rainy buggy day here to-day. There are SO so many mosquitoes---  but, we sure have had tons of rain this Spring.

Yesterday I clipped the trees branches going down the stairs to the lake---  All the bushes are on either side of the steps and the branches hang over the steps--As you trim,. you must not fall down the hill--It is a horrible job for sure.

You know, I never ever saw my Mom cut grass--or any outside work--Dad did it all--  I guess that is why I always feel sorry for myself when I am out there , cutting back the jungle--kinda silly I guess.

                                                Yes, I shudda been a rock star for sure---

Sadie is here---so--for now----I am off of here and  going to get to the "housey" stuff---One of these days I must get to the grocery store also---It seems that I am always there---and----  I do need to get out exercising also---too much take out food when  visitors  are here---

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Life is a gift!

 Good morning----  Lord love a Duck! It sure has been busy here--AND--I LOVE EVERY MINUTE!-- 

One car load has departed-Son#2 , the Pilot , with his lovely wife--who seemed to spend most of her time, chopping in the kitchen, getting ready for the next meal, and his  fabulously  very calm dog, Gerrard--Lordy Be--I miss them like crazy!--I sent them home with a few pictures , which were hanging on our walls, painted by Linda Finn, a famous artist from here--Here is our daughter, and son#2's wife, all decked out in BUG HATS , waiting to watch the fireworks in town last night-Sad to see them go-----
And we even had a Birthday Party while all were here--Son #4 hosted it --with wonderful food and we all were there--

                                                        at son #4s, above, around his pool--
                                 Below--  at daughter's B and B---  waiting for fireworks

                                        Below--- here we are--Lopez on my lap--with Grandchildren

-So many pictures--the kids hate me posting them--=so--I'll stop--  so so hard to see these families go to their parts of the world--It sure has been a wonderful few days--This is what life is all about--
-and you all in the US now  have your Holiday soon ---  Lucky you----

I sure will miss all these people--that WE CREATED!!----- but-----at my age---  Himself and my age, we must ration one's excitment I guess!

                            Remember to be strong---  that you ARE stronger than you believe---big hugs---

Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day

                                                                         Happy Canada Day--

-It is Canada's 157th Birthday and a great day--- a holiday----- It is also Sophia and Emma's birthday here--cousins---2 of our Grand daughters--- Canada became an independent country  on July1st, 1867

                                                        The Canadian Flag--with the Maple Leaf

            We have had a fabulous day here---  celebrating Birthdays and a CANADIAN HOLIDAY--

-How is your day going? -------Make it a good day----I hope you will--- and I shall get back to normal to-morrow--I do miss you all--