You have to love "new days"----a chance to do everything all over again-- with new strengths--- and new possibilities---Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the back road---We will go again later---A couple of baby pheasants hopped out in front of us--and yesterday, there were 2 baby Sand Hill Cranes , walking along the highway--Their Mom must've been busy hunting for food for them as she wasn't around--
The temperatures yesterday were above 30C all day --and already to-day it seems very hot and moist outside. I do not remember another summer as hot as this has been---- The AC runs continuously.
Did you realize that this --to-day--- is the last day of July?--- August 1st to-morrow--- The summer is passing quickly--August 4th was my Mom's Birthday--I always remember that day----Odd things one remembers about their Mom--- like--- I never remember seeing my Mom vacuum--- My sister and I always did that--- My Mom absolutely loved fresh fish---and cooked huge pans of fish for breakfast-- We spent the summer at our family cottage in Port Stanley, on Lake Erie, and my sister and I would bike down to the fish places and buy whatever kinds of fish Mom had told us to get---
Port Stanley holds so many good memories ---the sandy beach in front of the cottage--catching smelts -and the fires on the beach in the evenings-- the boyfriends who came to call who Dad renamed all the time--Skip the drip--Horsey Bill--the Board walk on the main beach--the pier where we were never allowed to go out on when the waves were so high--memories eh??--such good memories--fabulous happy days---