Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AHHHH beautiful Summer....

 You have to love "new days"----a chance to do everything all over again-- with new strengths---  and new possibilities---Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the back road---We will go again later---A couple of baby pheasants hopped out in front of us--and yesterday, there were 2 baby Sand Hill Cranes , walking along the highway--Their Mom must've been busy hunting for food for them as she wasn't around-- 

The temperatures yesterday were above 30C all day --and already to-day it seems very hot and moist outside. I do not remember another summer as hot as this has been----  The AC runs continuously.

Did you realize that this --to-day--- is the last day of July?---  August 1st to-morrow--- The summer is passing quickly--August 4th was my Mom's Birthday--I always remember that day----Odd things one remembers about their Mom---  like---  I never remember seeing my Mom vacuum---  My sister and I always did that---  My Mom absolutely loved fresh fish---and cooked huge pans of fish for breakfast-- We spent the summer at our family cottage in Port Stanley, on Lake Erie, and my sister and I would bike down to the fish places and buy whatever kinds of fish Mom had told us to get---

Port Stanley holds so many good memories ---the sandy beach in front of the cottage--catching smelts -and the fires on the beach in the evenings--  the boyfriends who came to call who Dad renamed all the time--Skip the drip--Horsey Bill--the Board walk on the main beach--the pier where we were never allowed to go out on when the waves were so high--memories eh??--such good memories--fabulous happy days---

I better get Himself to his program---  and stop all the Day Dreaming here----Hopefully Himself returns in a better  mood  ---There are times that  it is a good thing that a bout of deafness descends upon one when it is necessary not to hear all the things that a almost 96 yr old believes might be happening around him---
Hopefully you are feeling strong --deciding that to-day WILL be the best day ever----that you can deal with all the weirdness that might occur----that you finally found a good book---and that your bank account  remains in the positive-

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Try to stay focused on the rainbows..


Good morning--Did you know the above?--that affection is 9/10ths of whatever  happiness is in our lives---I hug Sushi-, the cat---and kiss wee little Lopez, the Chihuahua--- We all love our pets--- However crazy our lives might be---  our pets take away all that craziness--make each day so much easier to get through--

Lopez made it to the vet  yesterday--2 needles later and  a box with his Tick med in it, we drove home together. He has gained weight--- over 10 lbs--was  only one pound and a bit, when he arrived in my life.   And Sushi goes to our vet August something--I couldn't take the 2 of them together-yesterday--both Lopez and Sushi-----

This AM., Himself had to visit the Hearing clinic--- She removed wax from his one ear--- asked when he can get new hearing aids as the cat had chewed one--(He only has one working hearing aid right now) -----  They are priced , beginning at $3500--so, that is not going to happened  in the near future--hopefully in -maybe on the far off future--but----kinda don't know --Too bad  Sushi chomped down on them----

            So----another day here---with no Sadie -----maybe she might appear in the afternoon------I find with a trip to town, my chores are left  to another day----Days really are too short, for all the thoughts I  want to think and the walks I want to take,  and the books I want to read--and -the friends I want to see---

Lord love A Duck! --- One must have the patience of Jobe eh? -  --(Mom's expression again!)------Forget any excitement in your life--- I find that I  do not handle too much excitement--I enjoy a day  that has been planned--- no surprises----like--an Optimist--

Monday, July 29, 2024

Choose to be Happy--

AS I type, I am chatting with the Pilot, in the sky---He is on his break, in a bunk--(Remember?--  The plane he is flying, the Dreamliner, has many pilots who each get a break, sometime, during the flight--)  He just typed back, that the plane is "chock block" full--heading back to Toronto. He asked me if we had the AC on, at home here--and we do---  

This afternoon, I am taking Sushi , the cat who came in from the cold, 7 yrs ago--and Lopez , the Chihuahua---to the vet for shots etc---  That will probably cost me a mint!

How was your weekend? Did you get some rest?---I kinda took yesterday off-bought a few groceries--gardened a bit-- and even went and sat on he dock --I do miss all the Grandkids coming here--playing around the dock--and all the chaos--This summer they go to Son#1's dock, which is longer, bigger--better--Maybe that is a good sign that selling this place is time--good memories we had here though--a  time I guess to move on to another phase of living--We shall see what this winter brings---

It has been a challenge to keep this house in shape--kinda fun and feels good that I have been able to do it------I guess if you think you can---you can!!!----
                                                              A woman's rule of thumb:--below---

                                      If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it.

BUT----So far, I have been able to  succeed  in a house full of machines---with a lot of prayer---

Lunch time, Son#2 the Pilot just announced--I wonder what he will have--- and here, Sadie will help me push the vacuum around and then I go to get "the man of the house"--I need to get gas in the car--  The price per litre is high....   $1.65   

             Positive  thoughts---- ""I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY RIGHT NOW""

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday is a good day to be happy

 and---- I am off . pretty soon, to get bananas---plus justa few other things--like yogurt--It is hot outside--the AC is on--the bed is made with fresh sheets--and I hope that I will not be long----

                   How is your day going?---  If you're happy , and you know it, clap your hands--It is Sunday-a day that we should be happy--
I took a few pictures yesterday of all the grass around this house--and I'll show you --- Well, it's not ALL the grass---  there is still the dog pen--AND THE HILL---but you will get the idea---and the pictures were taken--AFTER  the grass was cut--

The front

The back---
        I shall return---  Remember--It is Sunday----a day of rest------LOLOLOL----  AS if eh???--Be STRONG----I know that you can be---because we have to be--Right?

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Needing Natural Serotonin Boosters?

-always a busy day here---I began the day with banking--  our property taxes have gone up--- about $100--Everything is going up--always a bit of a worry--seems OK  now and hopefully nothing breaks---I think everyone living on a "fixed income" must be having these same thoughts----like---  "maybe I should get a job"-----  at 82 yrs old---not going to happen-----
I think we all are a bit weird---and that is OK---

So---I must tell you that my wonderful  person who helps me with the grass, was here yesterday afternoon. He told me that he was not going to cut the lake side of the house , but instead , would weed whack  areas down to the lake.---  I went down after a couple of hours to see what he had done, and he weed whacked the hill , and right down to the shore line, and it is just magnificent----so much better!--This man is not a young person, and how on earth he  did that with out falling down that hill, blows my mind---What a good guy eh???--plus, he restrung the weed whacker----

Another thing that took over 2 hrs to do yesterday afternoon, was to get a "Be Well" card that allows for 20% off at a local pharmacy--The pharmacy sent me home with all the paper work--So, I decided that having this card might just save the budget---  They told me---  "IT WOULD BE EASY  TO DO"---
It wasn't----After 2 hrs sitting on the computer, on a long distance call, I believe the card is now registered-What a chore----all that for 20 % off an item-Do any of you carry these discount cards in your wallet? Lord  Love A DUCK!----It sure was not fun trying to register  it---What we have to do to keep the budget intact---

So, this day has begun--- We have sunshine--We have the AC on----Himself seems happy-- The laundry is done--AND--folded--We are not ill---There is  a new woman heading for the White House -(God is in Heaven-----Remember, Women do hold up half the sky!)--The Olympics is on the TV- 

Now, what more could we ask on this fine day---?--And--if you need something to boost your Serotonin, --your happiness--- read  below---
I love you to the Moon--and, even back!


Friday, July 26, 2024

Never miss a chance to laugh...or to love

 Good morning----busy day here--always seems to be---Himself at the Lodge--- (seems very frail)--

Lopez went with me yesterday to the hair dresser ---even tho I needed colour--which makes my appointment longer--but Lopez  was good--sat on my lap most of the time--but-----  There is always that "BUT"-----
--when I returned home, Himself was trying to cook dinner---The kitchen looked like a disaster area---- Apparently Himself was trying to make chicken soup--somehow dropped a bag of tiny round noodles all over the kitchen floor--chicken pieces were on the counter--pots and used pans were everywhere--I wanted to cry---as I walked thru the noodles--It took a few hours to  clean it all up--- 

Himself cannot cook anymore--- especially when I am not at home--Poor man eh?--He said he tried to clean it up--the noodles on the floor---I even had wet noodles on my bare feet--

--so, his clean up job "was not cutting it"-----  From now on--NO MORE Cooking------by Himself---  'specially when I am not home--

So, I recognize that life is beginning to change here--  Himself seems  so frail---- more so everyday--I really do need someone to spend time with him, when I have to go out---to the hair Lady--

Time to get my head out of the sand and deal with what is going on here--Himself is almost 96 and trying so hard to cope  with life, as he becomes more frail---Old age certainly is  not easy---I don't believe even my children recognize how difficult his days have become--

-I remember when my Mom moved to town, --after residing in Florida for many many years. I assumed that she was my same Mom---  fit--doing everything--her cooking   her cleaning--It was difficult for me to accept that her sight had gone--her ability to read recipes was not there--and Dad and her would arrive at out house, usually at dinner time--- I never clued in that she was older--AND SHE WAS STILL DRIVING-----kinda like me now---

    So---  "AGING" --- is difficult for us to accept-------and yet it is a normal part of life isn't it?--
My poor Himself---He is trying so hard  to be just  as normal as he always was----It's up to me to help him isn't it?--Lord love a Duck!!  --- I love him to the moon and back--

Thursday, July 25, 2024

After a While

a new day----  I just bathed Lopez--who is now in a state of shock on a chair here beside me--Poor wee fellow --only the second bath in his life--I still miss big Beau-- feel like he should greet me at the door when ever I come home from town-

-Lopez and I did our usual walk up the road and he did what he was supposed to do--no wild animals lurking  in the bush as we walked down the road--

To-day is hair day----colour----and Lopez will come with me--as --well, yu know who, hits him with his cane--It's best to just remove the Chihuahua ---  take him with me--

This is almost the end of July--August--then September-----  then----  cooler October----  AND then----WINTER--- Why does summer go by so quickly?--We wait so long for the warmer days-and then, they are gone----kinda sad!

and--I am trying to not eat ice cream---I did weaken however --a couple days ago---I cannot buy donuts---because I cannot eat just one---maybe--more like three--

Are you feeling "on top of the world" (Dad's expression) to-day?----not allowing those Crazies to get you down?--- Some days are easier to maintain your strength------ I saw the below meme and decided I need to paste "Never depend on anyone"----on the mirror-----hang it in front of my face---because I become so sad when I ask for help with something and the "help" I ask  doesn't come to help--------I am learning ------to do what I can, on my own- never beg---

                                                                so much to learn isn't there?----



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Yesterday I did absolutely nothing-

Good Day to you all--- I read all your comments last night,  on yesterday's blog--- You all are strong people--and I know  that being a woman is tough --But, together, we are doing it--"sticking to our guns" (as Mom used to say)----Some days are easier than others--

 Well, I just dropped Himself at his Day Program--Last night he was not going to go this AM--- I pretended I did not hear all his reasons why--  and --guess what?--This morning, he got up and got ready and there was no discussion about not going there--There IS a God in Heaven !-They call to-day, at the Lodge, Hawaiian  Day---  They have colourful Leis for each of them--and they will be sitting around a fire pit toasting marshmallows etc--sounds like fun for sure--

So Lopez  and I are here waiting for Sadie, that cleaning Lady (who as you know is really me) She promised to be here to give the dining room a good cleaning-Yesterday was her day off I guess-- It was raining so I figured she would not want to be in the garden--I understand  that not every day can not be Sunny Funny Happy Dappy--
                                                            So----Are you happy to-day???

There are times one must pretend to be happy--Yesterday I did not  stick to my plan-----just went with the flow-Sadie-did not turn up----There was-a room to clean --but---we had a bit of sun---and then there was my book---and even though I knew better,  it sure felt good to do absolutely nothing--
                                            You might say," I "did not give a RATATOOTIE!

But, to-day is a new day-- with a plan--- and I shall stick to it-Sadie is knocking at the door--There are meals to think about-- humidifiers to empty, kitty litter to dump--and then there is the garden-

--Mom used to say, "A woman's work is never done"----and then there is the "ice cream"---and my closet needs to be updated-which is not going to happen-- and why am I always worrying about what is going to break next?--------So, yesterday was  a day to remember----because-----
                                                    --I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING___

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I just don't know!

 Follow that yellow brick road---  We just might find a Wizard--I search everyday for that yellow brick road-- There are some days that I think I have found it--Well, one never knows till one tries--right?-Yesterday, I felt I found it--- Yesterday, well, it was a good day--So far to-day seems like I am not on the right track--

- You see, I woke up at 5am---  tossed and turned--went over in my head what the day would bring--then--put my feet on the floor at 5-30am--and it's been non stop--the wash in--then the dryer--Lopez fed, coffee made---and then, the weed whackers loaded into the car and away I went to have them strung--  back home now---and Lopez and I walked and he did his business--  good little boy---

Well, since I started this, I have been on the phone with Bell---regarding -our house phone-We have been receiving crank calls --(over 20 so far) and if they continue, we will have to get rid of the house phone with Bell---too bad too, because  Himself needs the house phone when I am not here, in case he falls or needs help--  ---- Whatta crazy mess  ---I feel like Bell has not helped us at all--They have blocked the 22 calls that have come in, but every number is different, so there will me more calls that Bell has not blocked-- 

I don't know if I feel anything positive from all the trouble this has caused--
                                            I guess we shall see----frustrating for sure!

                                            Maybe laughing about it is the best , for now--

Hopefully your day  is going well--and you are able to deal with difficult technology----  Stay strong---and think positive thoughts--Perhaps a walk in the woods would help--  I heard yesterday all the good things a walk does for your heart-- WHICH_just might __EXTEND your life-

                                                                    "I DON"T KNOW"

Monday, July 22, 2024

Keep an open mind and open heart.

As I type to you--I am chatting with Son#2 the Pilot, en route back to Canada--Isn't that so amazing?--- He is in his bunk-time out-- resting--  way up in the sky , somewhere---en route back to Canada--They have a number of Pilots on the Dreamliner, so they all get a chance to rest--nice for them--

Himself is at his Day Program--  We had a bit of a hard time  before he went, as his clothing is so large on him--(He has shrunk!)--and he did not want to change-- but--after  I talked to him, and used my persuasion he very reluctantly,  did--so, we were later than late, getting there. 

--and I had to pay a bill --- here, to the Septic company-- before this--over $600 to have the tank pumped--Everything is costly these days isn't it?---- Will the cost of things ever go down??-

Below is a picture of my friend who passed recently?--the Lady with the cane--such a good person--a Reg. Nurse, an avid gardener, a blind person---  and the kindest Lady you could ever meet--She had come to Elliot Lake here , a few years ago, to say good bye to us all, knowing she would never see us again--She stayed in a local hotel, and we each had a time to visit her there--such a good idea--She lived a few years after that, and every once in awhile, I would call her and we would talk about our lives -but, she always cheered "ME" up--

                                                                I must get this day going--  

I hope that you are feeling strong--happy,  and confident  to-day----Life is what we make of it, isn't it?--                            Positive thoughts----that is what I wish for each of you--Try to have the best day ever!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Be The Joy

                        Now-- Isn't that Lady so sweet??-- If we all could be like her eh?----

Sunday-the sheets are in the washer--the bed is made---  Lopez has done his business--AND--I need to go to No Frills--yogurts are #1 on my list here--dunno if Himself will stay here, or come  with us in car---  with the car running-- I will not be long, so he might decide to stay home here--

I continue to get pictures from Manchester, England , from Son #2--the Pilot--He and his wife are enjoying being together there--where her family were originally from. I take it, that they have a lot of rain--

They both sent a few pictures

                                                                               Sea Bass--- 

The picture below is justa reminder--- giving up is NEVER an option--because we CAN do  whatever life throws our way---  We may need help, but--that is OK--

 Below are a few rules on success--  to think about-

I hope that you enjoy  to-day---



Saturday, July 20, 2024

"I'll take care of everything"--

 Good morning y'all! ----Appreciate your blessings---some days, difficult to do--This morning, on T.V., I saw a 102 yr old woman in a nursing home, out in Nova Scotia , saying that she attributed her long life to working hard all her life--I believe we all could say that---so, maybe we all will live to be  well over 100 yrs---  I wonder!--  She did look amazing.

This morning, Son #2 , the Pilot, is in England-- Both he and his wife were part of the crew that flew  to Manchester, while we were sleeping.----It's not often they get to fly together---They took this picture from their hotel room.--- such a big city---

Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the back road-- He did his business--always a good thing! And I see some sun peeking out here--AND--the grass man was here yesterday--did all the grass--front, back, side--(I am counting my blessings here!)---I do have to Weed Whack---

We are almost thru July-- hard to believe isn't it?--  The summer goes by so quickly---Are you feeding Humming Birds?--  And if you are, do you have Bees AND Wasps at your feeders?--What can I do to scare  away the Bees and Wasps??--Plus we have ( first year ever)- water snakes in a garden near the house--They are quite large and black--kinda scare-y--I have never seen these before , near the house.
Do these snakes bite?? I need to weed that garden and I'm afraid to go into that garden.
Lotza questions here---

I must get on with my "clean one room a day" program------To-day it will be the front hall, and the main floor bathroom--and remember, if you are going to town, like--going shopping-- remember what the Lady below is telling yu--Yu do not need fancy duds--  just gorgeous hair and good shoes--
                            So, there you go---It seems like a good day , to have a good day---and----don't concern yourself with too much--                      I'll take care of all that---