Friday, October 4, 2024

Remember---You are awesome!

Happy Friday--  We have sun--- It's a tad nippy--I can feel the crunch in the air----  It will be a busy day to-day, as Sunday there will be a power outage from 5am--to 1pm---The power outage affects the whole town---- which means--no post--that day---but--I shall be here to-morrow--- Saturday-- ---and , to-day will be a "short and sweet", blog---because------Lordy Be---------a few challenges to deal with here!

-There is no  Day Program for himself--  and maybe there will not be a Day Program for quite sometime, as COVID is running ramped in his Lodge--We will have to play it by ear!--  There are no shots (Flu and Covid) available in our area until the 25th of this month---Sad!!!-- Have you had a Covid Booster?

Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the back road---AND-- He did his business---So, all is well---for now --He has been so good--amazing how much English he has picked up--All he used to speak was "Chihuahua"--and the Chihuahua language seemed - fierce-- like--"MAYBE I Shall BITE you--"----He has been taking  English classes-- and certainly is better and more loving with the English language---- Now when he misbehaves, I say, "Go to your crate"---AND HE GOES INTO HIS CRATE!-Bless his little heart!---- The growling and biting has gone-- (I hope!)

I hear the man of the house vacuuming-- which is a good thing---  I did this level---No Sadie to-day! --(I shall miss himself,  going to his Day Program --VERY MUCH!)----- 

Sushi, the cat who came in from the cold,  has had her nails trimmed which, also, can be  a challenge !     

 I hope your day is going well-----I hope you remember that you truly are stronger than you believe! Everyday is a blessing----You are the fierce warrior---- Just go on---- You are awesome!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Memories left behind--usually it's a part of ourselves-

Good morning--sunny--not too cold--Hair day--- "colour"----and yes, it IS ALL ABOUT LIVING IN HARMONY--together--not always easy--but ever so important--

Lopez and I have  "HOOFED" it up the road--He did what I had hoped he would--Bless his little pea-picking heart--He is a very smart little pooch--He is learning english--- a difficult thing for a Chihuahua--When I say, "You go in your crate"--and I say that when he gets his "dander" up and  wants to bite me---  but----  He seems to understand;- "NO, YOU GO IN YOUR CRATE!"--and low and behold, he does!

If any of you want a dog who absolutely adores only you, he is the one---  a better guard dog than a Shepherd (Who would think eh?)_can go anywhere because he is small--  but, could be eaten by wild animals also, so one must always be aware of the area and conditions you are in--

Now how did I ever get into all of that?-

Sadie that wonderful cleaning Lady (who is really me!) was here yesterday and she helped me , both onside and out---blew some leaves out on the driveway---What is nice about her, I do not have to pay her--(LOLOL)

I hope that your day is going well--that you are stronger than you ever believed you could be---but----if you are having a bad day,  things can improve---'specially with a positive attitude, and a wee bit of chocolate , maybe--Never give up!!!!

To-morrow is Grampa Wallaces Birthday --my Grandfather Wallace--who I just adored---  the man who took time to dance with a 4 year old in his kitchen----"ME"-Below---There he is with Gramma--the 2 people beside the girl with the cat, in front of their home in Port Perry--and my Dad  beside them---  many moons ago-strong people--Wouldn't it be fun to  go back to that time--just for a few minutes and tell Grampa how much we loved him--and that house?--sliding down the banister---- dancing in his kitchen--sleeping  in the bedroom with the stove pipe  going through it and hearing Gramma telling us not to touch that pipe--Memories--- Memories that  make us strong to-day--

Grampas house --  many years later--with a part of me, left in that house!


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Don't look back. You're not going that way.

    Good day--- COLD!!!---  The furnace is on! My goodness--Winter must be just around the corner! 

Well, everyday brings  something new around here--Yes, we are still moving, but not until Spring---but--- (THE BIG "BUT")-- I had a call from himself's Lodge yesterday--and----- --and......THEY HAVE COVID --Lordy Be!  Now, Himself doesn't have it--plus, he is one of the rare ones that wears a mask every place he goes, including his Day Program--but--(Isn't there always that big "BUTT"-?)--- There are residents in the Lodge with Covid--  plus one resident in his class has it----  So far, he  does NOT have it!--BUT--He cannot go to the Day Program,  , for sure, all this week--plus--- maybe longer--AS my kids used to say, --"Tough Bananas Mom"--

I was SO impressed with all your comments on the blog , yesterday--You guys really care!--  I appreciate that you care--Thank yu! -I do feel better , just having a plan---  That plan might change--just dunno--- but , for now,  that  seems OK--  We would not stay with Son#2 forever--but while there, we can be looking around, in his area-- There does seem to be more choice  in the small villages around where he lives. ---  It'd be nice to maybe have a garage-- (like here)--  and a washer in our own place--(like here-)--not have to go up or down a floor with laundry--I know one can't have everything--(like we do here)--but--- keeping this place up, as I age , is going to be a problem--

I see I need to redo my driving test--I think, over 80 yrs it has to be done--That too will be interesting!

                        I need to decorate myself -like the girl in the picture ---more bling!

So--ever onward here---Sadie, that wonderful cleaning Lady, who, as you know, is really me, is coming sometime to-day----and I will need a nap for sure , later on--  I could not sleep well last night----  so, I read my book, till 4am--- just so much going on, my brain was working overtime-

When does one ever solve the worldly troubles  in the night, in your bed, anyway?-- I  do know better!  ------Too bad I just didn't get up and play the piano ------
---I hope that your day is going well-----I must stop looking back---  and just trust that everything will fall into place-----Don't look back.   .......... I'm not going that way!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

YOU CAN BE ---A Strong Person !

                                                You can be all of the above--if you decide to be!
     To-day IS a good day to be "Strong"--"Capable"---"Beautiful"---"Amazing"--and "Enough"--

So, Yesterday , I decided to take  Son#2, the Pilot, up on his and his wife's offer, to move  close to them, as soon as this house sells--in the Spring, of course--They have sold their home in Toronto, and will be living permanently, at their summer home, on the lake---in Eastern Ontario---  Their summer home will be demolished and a permanent home will replace it-and they are putting a "granny suite" above their garage  for his wife's Mom, who is not ready to live there yet---but--we are almost ready--and while living there, we will search for permanent accommodation near  there--At least it is a plan---It's always good to have a plan! 

I like the above-- It says that you must be strong and courageous AND KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO ANYTHING-just keep believing in yourself--

There are times  that I forget the above and I begin to feel sorry for myself--crazy isn't it?--(and I cry)--I forget that sometimes, to do everything, that I CAN hire  whatever it is, out--and that is OK also--

Oh dear--Himself just came up here--unannounced--and Lopez jumped off the chair beside me here and ran  towards him and Himself began to whack him with his came-

Will it ever end?--Lord love a Duck! ---- Himself must announce his presence----

Last night, before bed, I took Lopez out-- He began to sniff the grass--  became excited--tried to run all over (but I had him on a leash)---  There was an animal near the gully--but IN OUR YARD--waiting to eat him----Lordy Be! --- I could not see it well enough to identify the animal, but it was wayeeeee larger than Lopez--- --I immediately brought him in--Good thing he was on a leash--

REMEMBER ---You CAN BE --ALL of the above!--and if I am around, I promise--I will not allow anyone to eat you--(but, I may "leash" yu--)