Saturday, August 31, 2024

We can make it a good day---

A new day --- The sun is out---  It is not raining---  but it sure is humid-- The AC is not on --yet!--AND---It is the last day of August--- To-morrow is September the 1st---I now have 3 pooches (dogs)--Lola--Apollo-and Lopez--and it has become a challenge for me, to keep all their bowls of food, apart-- They eat all their food--then eat whatever bowl of food they can "mooch"-Lopez is not a great eater, so, already  one of Son #3's dogs have devoured Lopez's meal--

And I have Himself home here doing his exercises in a chair---completely unaware of the chaos happening around him--or that there are chores to be done---like now---- He will return to his Day Program, on Tuesday--as Monday is a holiday--Labour Day-- Hopefully I can get thru this weekend without losing it--like---giving a HOOT---WE all deserve to live "Happily ever after," do we not?

Apollo and Lola are very well behaved pooches--

The cancer on my face will have to be taken off---Whatta nuisance eh?--Yesterday it was not bleeding--but to-day , it is--- which means it is till there ---"Tough Bananas" as my kids used to say-!I will know more after the Dr comes out--Sunday or Monday--

Are you having a good day??  Can yu make it a good day---because, You really are stronger than you seem--

Go outside now , breathe and find peace!


Friday, August 30, 2024

LABOUR DAY WEEKEND--- a labour of love

 A good motto eh?----  We have a wet  misty day here--I love it! -- Overcast--cooler--no AC--You couldn't ask for more!
This is what happened here yesterday--  The grass man plus his daughter, stained the deck--- It looks SO much better----like a new deck---  I had to show you--

This AM., I drove Himself to his Day Program----all the time worrying about this cancer spot on my face-I have been putting special cream on the 2 tiny spots-- that grew back after the surgery , years and years ago----  but, that cream takes a tole on the normal skin around it all--very sore-- so, I had Son#3 text the surgeon who lives on the next road over but was away, to see if he could look at it-- no response 

--- AND, I was driving back from  dropping Himself, feeling sorry for myself--- tired also--walked into the house--our house phone was ringing and IT WAS THE SURGEON__ There is a GOD up there in HEAVEN--He will come and look at it Sunday or Monday--  Lord Love a Duck!--All my worrying----and you all know I am a big time Worrier--(not a warrior!)

Sadie that cleaning Lady is here, who, as you know is really me-- I best get off of here and help her- Happy  that all is working out-

Remember to be kind to the kids  heading off to University--AND to the parents who are footing the bill-And to the Kinder Kids going to school for the first time--and their Moms who have to hand a "clinging child" over , to a teacher, for the first time----Labour Day weekend   coming up---

Remember to be strong--- all you women out there--  This coming weekend can be tough on us-           

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A trip to an ICE BAR--

 AND--I am here--FINALLY--  almost noon and just blogging- My grass man is here staining the deck---WITH HIS DAUGHTER---  Getting them organized--- then--  Himself had to go to town-- and me to the bank-=-just home--  Lordy Be!!!-- a very busy morning with Himself not Himself--He has not been  Himself for a few days now-

--Anyway---  WE have SUN--WE have blue Sky--and it is Hair Day--plus colour--and for sure Lopez the Chihuahua will be going with me--very important  when Himself is not in a good mood--

Son#2 the Pilot is winging is way back to Montreal-from Sweden, -with his daughter plus his wife , and her daughter----They visited an ice Bar --  ate in the Ice Bar--while there. Below, they are all bundled up--inside  the Bar--

I hear even the glasses were made of ice.


                                                            Cod and swedish meatballs

I hope that your day is going well--I guess sitting on a swing,  for a bit, might put you in a good mindset--Remember those days?---not a care in the world--  just enjoying the day with your best friend--???


Wednesday, August 28, 2024


BOO!------LOL----- So, How are you all?-- You hanging in there?--- Coz, that's what it's all about--

"HANG IN"----LOL---We have lost the heat---  I love the cooler air!-- Even the AC is OFF!--Fresh Air! The man of the house is at his Day Program----The Pilot Son is now in Stockholm, Sweden-----which he informed me is very far north--equivalent to Yellowknife , in the NWT----  which is very far north-

The above 2 pictures are of the Northern lights--taken from his 'plane--He says that the lights are caused by charged particles emitted by the sun and bounce off the earth's atmosphere---interesting eh?--- I think this is the first time he has been to Sweden----I am sure pictures of food will  be sent to-day--

Sadie, that fabulous cleaning lady has a great deal of work to do here this week-- (You know she is really me!)---  I'll have to tell her that a room a day  is how we  do it here--Plus I have a new I Phone , arriving tomorrow , which will probably drive me crazy-- I settled for the I -Phone 11--- hoping it will  not be too complicated---

I  saw this and   yes, we must (or  -" I" )- must drive the good Lord crazy ---Good thing he has a lot of patience!----Our days are certainly busy---and some days, I need all the help I can get--
Enjoy your day__Appreciate your friends-- ---laugh about stuff---DON"T CRY!---- Remember that you ARE Special,-- Good,--- Unique, Beautiful----Talented--Bold----Smile at  someone today---  That person might be me---



Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Make someone smile to-day--

                                                                        Good Morning----- 
 Did you know that I am 82 yrs young?--How on earth did I ever get to this large age, because it does seem like maybe a week ago, I was  just a little person.
                               There I am---on the left--with glasses on--I was cross eyed---
                                            And here I am on the far  rt-----with all my family--and--now I am old---almost 83 yrs old----- and it happened so fast-----

So----How are you all?---  It is extremely hot AGAIN ----  very humid--outside--The AC is STILL on--- Our power bill will be high !----

                I just heard from Son#2 , the Pilot---who is sitting in Montreal, en route to Sweden--and  talking "strike"---seems we all need more  dollars in to-days world--

So, Lopez and I have been out---and  we found a poor "chip monk" on the road--run over--- Also , last night, the huge MR Toad, "Thomas" was sitting on the bricks in front of the garage--We were careful not to step on him--Big news eh??--- 
 My life has become "Toad friendly"---I'm afraid---  Old age boils down to weird things these days--LOL----

But whatever----  I hope you get out there and  make to-day ---Schmorky-Dorky--- and that you make a difference in someone's life--even if it is only a Toad---LOL---Well, not many people even speak to a Toad--- so , you will make that Toad happy!


Monday, August 26, 2024

Too much Technology

Boy do I need that dream to-day------  It has been a day that no-one ever wants to have-----to-day----You see, last evening my cell phone stopped working . It is an 8---- kinda old I guess-- I thought I could get it to work this AM--tried everything---nothing  would work--and -in the process of starting buttons all over the phone--it began to send out an Emergency signal--that I was in distress--which was still going out far and wide this AM--Anyway, I waited till I dropped Himself at his Lodge--then went over to the Source, which sells and services phones---They got the phone to turn off--which I couldn't do, so it reset itself--and now it is working fine--I THINK I NEED A NEWER UP TO DATE phone--

And, so, now I  need that Handsome man to  clean my whole house---and I do not see him anywhere---Lord love a Duck!--Life can be so complicated can't it--and it isn't getting any easier as I age---

I must get out of here and get the man of this house---"No rest for the wicked" is there--???? Dad must be looking down smiling at me--Oh , I just heard him say, "Now she understands what Mom and I went thru."

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Just take those old records off the Shelf-

Dad says, "Keep that chin up!"---We have mega heat---high humidity---The AC is once again on --Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the back road--AND --HE DID HIS BUSINESS--I mean, what more could I ever ask in a morning?----Holy Cow! I must tell you also that Sushi , the cat who came in from the cold, came in, in the night--hopped over Himself and right over to me--climbed up on  my chest, purring away, so I stroked her--patted her, rubbed her ears, as I was so happy to see her. She used to come up on our bed every night--but since Lopez moved in, has not wanted to be near him.---  And whatever kibble I purchased from the vet, she likes it--chomps it down. Hopefully it might help her lose some weight!

I have been gabbing away here , and have not inquired how on earth you all are?-To-day is Sunday--"Change the bed day"---and that is nearly done!-----So, are you enjoying the weekend?---It is the beginning of the last week of August.   Yes, take a walk and look around you---NO SNOW--- and very soon September----Where did the summer go??-Where ever you are to-day, I hope that you take a few moments to dance---  remember the old music?----

Take that old music off the shelf--and listen to them---  To-days music just isn't the same---Shout that tune out---We like that old time ROCK and  Roll--LOLOL---

                    Enjoy this day---Have fun----  Even if some people  look at you a tad funny---(What the Hell eh?)----


Saturday, August 24, 2024

This little Light of Mine--I'm going to let it Shine!

Happy--Happy Happy---a new day--The sun is out---We are alive---It is a new day--- and---  WE HAVE DECIDED TO BE IN A GOOD MOOD!  Holy cow! Life doesn't get better than that!-----and to add to  our happiness---There is no snow to shovel---We feel quite well---We have enough food in the house, and we might even get a wee rest in to-day.
To-day we will hurry less----  worry a lot less, trust that life will unfold the way we hope it will, and maybe even better than we can even imagine.

Yesterday, Sushi, the cat who moved in from a minus 31C extremely cold day----feral---spent her 1st winter under our bed--on Himself's side---was very well behaved at the vet---In fact she purred in the vet's office, on my lap--seemed to enjoy the attention--and I even got to drive her home here before going back for himself--You know, as a kitten, she had been dumped at the boat launch , with her brother and her Mom --Both her Mom and her brother were devoured by wild animals--somehow she survived and if you remember, I first saw her on our back deck, eating bird seed by the bird feeder---That was many many moons ago--- It seems to be common practice in this area to just dump animals , hoping they will survive our very hard winters--sad isn't it??

To-day I shall whip out the vacuum---  run it around --sorta---Doncha jess get tired of doing that chore almost everyday?---- I'd much rather be outside--- so, as mom used to say, "Give it a lick and a promise" and get on with the day---OUTSIDE" of course--

Did any of you listen to Kamala's speech the other night?--She did say. "Never let anyone tell you who you are--You SHOW them who you are"-------I do not usually speak of Politics, but she spoke so well---as a strong woman--impressive--definitely not  "wimpy"----kinda reminded me of my Mom---who I felt could do anything--

I am off of here--- I must remember to be strong to-day---no tears---  no feeling sorry for myself--get out and grab this day and run with it--WE CAN DO IT!-LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!


Friday, August 23, 2024

Good day to all--

 a new day---- TO BE POSITIVE---Himself is at his Day Program--Sushi is to be at the vet for 11-30am--just shots etc--I cannot remember the last time she was there--not a good sign---and we have "SUN"--hopefully with Lollipops--LOL----

I am asking you again--  Do you still have Hummingbirds at your feeders?--We have a few--but not the same numbers of birds we used to have--Are they nesting?--- Or--  Have some of them headed south?? I know the males depart ahead of the females--I think--

I saw the above, and thought I'd share it with you all--BECAUSE I AM A WORRIER--  That is why I am so pooped  out, all the time--maybe?-----I must learn to let it all go --for sure!

                                                            A good laugh is the best therapy---

I  shall get this overweight very heavy cat packed away ---I hope your day goes well--

"Keep your chin up-"---as Dad always said

Thursday, August 22, 2024

IT'S TODAY my favourite day

To-day IS my favourite day--We have sun--- cooler temperatures-- no black flies--Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the road--(as Dad always said)-----We are not sick-Lordy Be!--lotza good stuff going on------

Last evening, I trimmed back all the very tall bushes in my wild garden---  ready for new growth in the Spring--It was such a lovely evening, I hated to be inside--I am going to go down and rake up the  stuff I chopped off--Hopefully everything leafs out in the Spring--after I chopped the bushes back-- Oh well!   Live and learn eh???------  

And last week, at the grocery, there were the mangoes yu see in the picture--$6  for a case---  odd looking mangoes--- I bought them, left them on the counter all week, Himself just cut them. and they are delicious--juicy--tasty----

It is hair day---so, for now, I shall leave you---  I hope your day goes well---Make it go well---  NO CRYING--- POSITIVE THOUGHTS